EXPOPERU INDUSTRIAL是秘鲁唯一的专业性的工业展览会,作为工业展中的四大主题之一的机床及金属EXPObbbbL(前身为FIMM)加工自2013年创办以来,参展商数量、展位面积、展品种类呈逐年增长的趋势。EXPOPERU INDUSTRIAL迎合了秘鲁金属加工及钢铁行业对数控机床、焊接设备、管材加工设备的需求,不仅提供专业技术的交流平台,更是厂商将产品推向秘鲁及周边市场的绝佳机会。
1. Full-size machine tools. 各类机床
2. bbbbl working machines for gear shaving 齿轮加工机床
3. bbbbl bbbbing machines 金属成型机床
4. Machines for surface treatment and material tests 表面处理和材料检测设备
5. Cutting tools, materials and accessories 切削工具、耗材及附件
6. Automation 自动化设备
7. Metrology and measuring instruments 测量仪器
8. Spark cutting 电火花切割设备
9. Welding and cutting machines 焊接及切削机器
10. Oxygen cutting by plasma, water and laser
11. Industrial machines, fluids and lubrication systems工业设备、流体及润滑系统
12. Air, hydraulic and pneumatic automation, pneumatic hand tools
13. Control techniques 控制技术
15. Robotics 机器人技术
16. Diagnosis sensors techniques, peripheral equipment and services
17. Direct accessories for machine tools各类机床附件
1. Full-size machine tools. 各类机床
2. Metal working machines for gear shaving 齿轮加工机床
3. Metal forming machines 金属成型机床
4. Machines for surface treatment and material tests 表面处理和材料检测设备
5. Cutting tools, materials and accessories 切削工具、耗材及附件
6. Automation 自动化设备
7. Metrology and measuring instruments 测量仪器
8. Spark cutting 电火花切割设备
9. Welding and cutting machines 焊接及切削机器
10. Oxygen cutting by plasma, water and laser
11. Industrial machines, fluids and lubrication systems工业设备、流体及润滑系统
12. Air, hydraulic and pneumatic automation, pneumatic hand tools
13. Control techniques 控制技术
15. Robotics 机器人技术
16. Diagnosis sensors techniques, peripheral equipment and services
17. Direct accessories for machine tools各类机床附件