油井专用K55石油套管 我们不一样

数量(吨) 价格
10000 3300.00元/吨
  • 最小起订: 1吨
  • 发货地址: 河北 沧州市
  • 发布日期:2018-09-10
  • 访问量:460


实名认证 企业认证
  • 联系人:高经理
  • 手机:13730570531
  • 电话:0317-6892123
  • 营业执照:已审核 营业执照
  • 经营模式: 生产加工-个体工商户
  • 所在地区:河北 沧州市
  • 家家通积分:80分




新浪新闻资讯,记者(杨编辑)获悉:K55石油套管硬度指标Sina News, reporter (Yang Bianji) was inbed that: K55 oil sleeve hardness index


[1] oil cracking tube Brinell hardness [1]??
Among the standards for petroleum cracking pipes, Brinell hardness is the most widely used. It is not only intuitive but also convenient to express the hardness of the material by indentation diameter. However, it is not suitable for oil cracking pipes with harder or thinner steel. ? [2] Rockwell hardness?


The Rockwell hardness test of petroleum cracking pipe is the same as Brinell hardness test. The difference is that it measures the depth of indentation. Rockwell hardness test is a widely used b at present. HRC is used in steel pipe standard second only to Brinell hardness HB. Rockwell hardness can be applied to the determination of petroleum cracking pipe materials from very soft to very hard. It makes up for the fact that the Brinell b is not. It is simpler than the Brinell b and can be read directly from the dial of the hardness machine. However, because of its small indentation, the hardness value is not as accurate as that of Brinell b. ? [3]? Vivtorinox hardness?



Vickers hardness test of petroleum cracking pipe is also an indentation test b, which can be used to determine the hardness of very thin petroleum cracking pipe material and surface layer. It has the main advantages of Brinell b and Rockwell b, and overcomes their basic shortcomings. But it is not as simple as Rockwell b, which is seldom used in petroleum cracking pipe standard. Material: 20G?
Implementation criteria: GB9948-2006


石油专用管主要用于油、气井的钻探及油、气的输送。它包括石油钻管、石油套管、抽油管。石油钻管主要用于连接钻铤和钻头并传递钻井动力。石油套管主要用于钻井过程中和完井后对井壁的支撑,以保证钻井过程的进行和完井后整个油井的正常运行。抽油管主要将油井底部的油、气输送到地面。Weak demand growth will lead to excess capacity, which will be a key factor in the recovery prospects of the shipping industry, and further pressure on freight growth. China's steel exports continued to decline, mainly due to the sharp rise in domestic steel prices since May, resulting in a narrowing price gap, weakening export competitiveness, enterprises'export enthusiasm significantly weakened, resulting in a significant decline in steel exports.
The oil special pipe is mainly used for drilling oil and gas well and transporting oil and gas. It includes oil drill pipe, oil casing and oil suction pipe. The oil drill pipe is mainly used to connect drill collar and drill bit and transmit drilling power. Oil casing is mainly used to support the wellbore during drilling and after completion to ensure the normal operation of the whole oil well. The tubing mainly transfers the oil and gas at the bottom of the oil well to the ground.

 石油套管是一种大口径管材,起到固定石油和天然气油井壁或井孔的作用。套管是插入井孔里,用水泥固定,以防止井眼隔开岩层和井眼坍塌、并保证钻探泥浆循环流动,以便于钻探开采。在石油开采过程中使用的不同类型的套管:表层石油套管 - 保护钻井,使其避免受浅水层及浅气层污染, - 支撑井口设备并保持套管的其他层重量。技术石油套管 - 分隔不同层面的压力,以便钻液额度正常流通并保护生产套管。

The oil casing is a large diameter pipe, which acts as a fixed oil or gas well wall or well bore. Casing is inserted into the borehole and fixed with cement to prevent the borehole from separating the rock bation and wellbore collapse, and to ensure the circulation of drilling mud flow, so as to facilitate drilling and production. Different types of casing used in oil production: surface casing - Protective drilling to avoid contamination by shallow water and shallow gas layers, supporting wellhead equipment and maintaining the weight of other layers of casing. Technical Oil Casing - Separates pressure at different layers so that drilling fluid flow normally and protects production casing.

Oil casing is the lifeline of maintaining oil well operation. Due to the different geological conditions, the underground stress state is complex, and the combined b of tensile, compressive, bending and torsional stresses acts on the pipe body, which puts forward higher requirements for the quality of casing itself. Once the casing itself is damaged for some reason, the whole well can be reduced or even scrapped. According to the strength of steel casing can be divided into different steel grades, namely J55, K55, N80, L80, C90, T95, P110, Q125, V150, etc. The steel grade is different from well condition and well depth. The corrosion resistance of the casing itself is also required under corrosive environment. In the complex geological conditions, the casing is also required to resist collapse.


 其次运用有限元分析计算套管不同的损坏形式,并对得到的数据结果进行分析,绘制套管损坏后变形量、承载能力以及所承受的外载荷等一一对应的关系曲线,结合套管材料的特性以及模拟实验得出的相关数据与油田实际生产中利用多臂测井仪MIT测得数据相比较,从中找出其承载能力、变形位移量等参数的变化规律。 后根据套管各种参数的变化规律结合实际生产中出现的情况,总结得出更符合实际生产、对实际生产有指导作用的套管损坏级别的评价标准。


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