Duplex patch Cord -2LC/UPC-2FC/UPC-G.657A2- 5m-2mm*4mm 14131680
E15V87PO2-A Single GSM Dielectric Filter (indoor/outdoor)(6 Pole) E15V87P02
ETU2 ROJR208008/1
ETU3 ROJR211007/1
Evolved General Processing Unit 03054296
Evolved Operation and Maintenance Unit 03054294
Eyebolts,M12,Zinc Electroplating, iridescent yellow,GB825-88 26010722
Fan Box,HERT BBU,WD2E1FANC,2U Fan Module 02120577
Fan Box,HERT BBU,WD2E1FANC,2U Fan Module D 02120458
FAN/FAN TRAY (Alarm) BKV106083/2R1B
FAU1 Kit NTM101728/1
FAU2 ROJR219011/1
Flat Pack 2 2000W 48v 241115.100
Flat Pack 2000W 48v 241115.105
FlatPack 2 System,6kW (FP2 48V 8kW 400V+NBDLD SPD OD) C20434.006
Flex Waveg Kit 10-13 0.90 SXK111659/2
Flexible Card Line Processing Unit(LPUF-21, 2 sub-slots) A (L3VPN, MVPN,IPv6 Enchanced) 03052533
Flexible Card Line Processing Unit(LPUF-21,2 sub-slots) A 03052276
Flexible Card Line Processing Unit(LPUF-40,2 sub-slot(s) A (L3VPN, MVPN, IPv6 Enhanced) 03030KWD
Flexible Card Processing Unit(LPUF-51,2 sub-slots) 03055314
FP2 48V 8kW 400V+N BDLD SPD (Outdoor cabinet Flatpack2 withaninstalled capasity of 6kW Aircon T43) C20434.009 T43
FP2 48V 8kW 400V+N Bold SPD C20434.009_old
FP2 8kW 48V 3p400VAC BD LD (Optional Design/Huawei HUB, FlatPack2 Integrated 8kW48v) CTO20405.1045
FP2 8kW 48V 3p400VAC BDLD CTO20405.1044
GE Switching and Control Unit 03053067
GE Switching and Control Unit REV:a 03051117
General Clock Unit REV:a 03051116
Green Insulating Adhesive PVC Tape 21101321
H-3-CPUSE-D-A 3db coupler H3C3DBC
Heater Subassembly,P143207Z,P143207Z1,P143207ZB For North Type cabinet, A02350498
Huawei Storage 600W DC-DC Power Supply 02270131
Huawei Storage 960W DC-DC Power Supply 02270132
Indoor IFC cabinet 276908
Installation Board/Bracket,DMBM8.610.1477,Bottom Frame,For P143207Z,, A21240043
Integr Kit ANT2 10/11 HPX UPB90101/2
Integr Kit ANT2 18 HPX UPB90102/3
Integr Kit ANT2 7/8 HPX UPB90101/1
Integrated DC Chassis Components(CX600-X3)-4U 02351598
Integrated DC Chassis Components(NE40E-X3)-4U 02351596
IP Interface Unit (12 FE/4 GE, Electric) 03052761
IP Interface Unit (4 GE, Optical) 03052762
IP Interface Unit (4 STM-1, Channelized) 03052748
IPS2 11 Sym UPA90111/2
IPS2 28 Sym UPA10135/2
IPS2 7/8 Asym UPA90114/1
ISV3 XPIC Kit (per IF) 0302FK
Kath 741785, X-pol 21dBi, 30deg. 87 KRE1011954/1
Ladder(outdoor) 52220015
Load,0-3Ghz,100W,IM3–110dBc@2x43dBm,NM,Indoor 27110102
LTE Baseband Processing Unit D (2T2R, FDD)-LBBPd1 03021WVF
LTE Baseband Processing Unit D (2T2R, FDD)-LBBPd3 03021HPK
LTE Baseband Processing Unit D (4T4R, TDD)-LBBPd2 03021HPJ
LTU 32/1 ROJ1192342/1
Main Control and Transport unit(4E1&1 electrical FE&1 optical FE) 03030LPM
Main Processor Unit D(Including 1*2G Memory and 1*1G CF Card) 03052546
MBTS DBS Cable Suite Label 29080025
Media Gateway 1-port GE Optical Interface Card 03050475
Media Gateway 1*155M SDH/SONET optical interface card 03050552
Media Gateway 32E1 Port TDM Interface Board(b) 03050537
Media Gateway Back Connection Maintenance Unit 03050384
Media Gateway Clock Unit 03050554
Media Gateway Front Connection Maintenance Unit 03050511
Media Gateway Front Signalling Processing Unit(d) 03052951
Media Gateway High-speed Routing Unit 03050420
Media Gateway Operation & Maintenance Unit B 03050549
Media Gateway TDM switching Net Unit C5(With 2 TDM Cascade Ports) 03051333
Media Gateway Voice Processing Unit D(1K TC,64ms EC) 03051272
Media gateway 2*155M SDH/SONET Optical Interface Card(b) 03051774
Media gateway Clock Unit 03051301
Media gateway Echo Canceller Unit 03051777
Media Gateway Voice Processing Unit D (3K TC) (c) 03052950
MGW Assembly Cabinet (V2R2, Double 3 channel DC Input 02352076
Micro BTS3902E (Built-in antenna, AC 220V/110V, 2100M) 02310MVC
Microwave Antenna,18GHz,1200mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC) 52431389
Microwave Antenna,18GHz,600mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC) 52431387.
Microwave Antenna,23GHz,300mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC) 52431391
Microwave Antenna,38GHz,300mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC) 52431404
Microwave Antenna,A18D06HAC,18G,600mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC)/Separate(All RTN ODU) Mount,38.3dBi,2.1deg,30dB,With English doc,C3 wooden box 52432029
Microwave Antenna,A18D06HAC,18G,600mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC)/Separate(All RTN ODU) Mount,38.3dBi,2.1deg,67dB,30dB,With English doc,C3 52431387
Microwave Antenna,A18D09HAC,18G,900mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC)/Separate(All RTN ODU) Mount,41.7dBi,1.2deg,30dB,With English doc,C3 52431388
Microwave Antenna,A23D03HAC,23G,300mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC)/Separate(All RTN ODU) Mount,34.7dBi,3deg,30dB,With English doc,C3 wooden box 52432030
Microwave Antenna,A23D06HAC,23G,600mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC)/Separate(All RTN ODU) Mount,39.9dBi,1.7deg,65dB,30dB,With English doc,C3 52431392
Microwave Antenna,A38D03HAC,38G,300mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC)/Separate(All RTN ODU) Mount,39.1dBi,1.6deg,30dB,With English doc,C3 wooden box 52432038
Microwave Antenna,A38D06HAC,38G,600mm,HP,Direct(XMC)/Separate(All RTN ODU) Mount,44.2dBi,0.9deg,30dB,With English doc,C3 wooden box 52432039
Microwave Antenna,A38D06HAC,38G,600mm,HP,Dual Polarization,Direct(XMC)/Separate(All RTN ODU) Mount,44.2dBi,0.9deg,64dB,30dB,With English doc,C3 52431405
Microwave ODU,RTN XMC,18G,-3,High site,H,19190MHz,19710MHz,18180MHz,18700MHz,Without doc,WR-42,H01,1010MHz/1008MHz,Sub Band B/B,19190MHz/19190MHz,1971 52413851
Microwave ODU,RTN XMC,38G,-3,High site,H,38304MHz,38892MHz,37044MHz,37632MHz,Without doc,WR-28,H01,1260MHz,Sub Band A,38304MHz,38892MHz 52413845
Microwave Outdoor Unit, RTN XMC,38G,-2,1260MHz,Sub Band A,High site,H ,38304MHz,38892MHz,Without doc,WR-28,H01 52413074
Microwave Outdoor Unit, RTN XMC,38G,-2,1260MHz,Sub Band A,Low site,H ,37044MHz,37632MHz,Without doc,WR-28,H01 52413075
Microwave Outdoor Unit,RTN XMC,18G,-2,1010/1008MHz,Sub Band B,High site,H,19190MHz,19710MHz,Without doc,WR-42,H01 52413079
Microwave Outdoor Unit,RTN XMC,18G,-2,1010/1008MHz,Sub Band B,Low site,H,18180MHz,18700MHz,Without doc,WR-42,H01 52413078
Microwave Outdoor Unit,RTN XMC,23G,-2,1008MHz,Sub Band A,High site,H ,22998.5MHz,23338MHz,Without doc,WR-42,H01 52412479
Microwave Outdoor Unit,RTN XMC,23G,-2,1008MHz,Sub Band A,Low site,H ,21990.5MHz,22330MHz,Without doc,WR-42,H01 52412478
Microwave Outdoor Unit,RTN XMC,23G,-2,1008MHz,Sub Band B,High site,H ,22274MHz,22610MHz,Without doc,WR-42,H01 52412481
MINI-LINK 6363 38/12H BFZ61173/12H
MINI-LINK 6363 38/12L BFZ61173/12L
Mini-shelter V100R003 MS_ V100R003
MiniShelter ITS1000M,ITS1000M Cabinet,EPS,1 Unit 1 Cabin,19″ Rack&2 layers battery Rack,2.1m,Integrated Equipment Shipping 52210593
MiniShelter,ITS1000M,ITS1000M Cabinet,EPS,1 Unit 1 Cabin,19″ Rack&2 layers battery Rack,2.1m,Integrated Equipment Shipping 99043VKY
MMU2 B 4-34 ROJ2081301/1
MMU2 B 4-34 Kit NTM203015/1
MMU2 H ROJ2081308/1
MMU2 K ROJ2081308/4
MODEM UNIT/MMU2 B 4-34 KIT NTM203135/1
Monitor Module,M143207Z,PSM-BB,System Monitor Module, A02440018
Monitoring Module,W2442Z,M2442Z,PSM-A10,Test Monitoring Module Of PS48100-2/25A Power System A02440021
MRRU V2 for Multi-Mode 900MHz EGSM (Bottom 25M) 02318968
NPU 3B Kit ROJR211006/1
NPU1 C ROJR208011/1
NPU1 C Replacement unit NTM1011688/1