机油及机油滤清器的更换主要是针对润滑系统进行的维护保养。润滑系统的主 要作用就是对汽车发动机的各个部件进行有效的润滑,以防过度磨损。机油滤清器功能是去除机油中的各种杂质,保证润滑系统的正常,机油滤清器应在换机油时与机油一并更换。在常规情况下汽车每行驶5000KM 时就需保养一次。The replacement of oil and oil filter is mainly for the maintenance of lubrication system. The main function of lubrication system is to effectively lubricate all parts of automobile engine to prevent excessive wear. The function of the oil filter is to remove various impurities in the oil and ensure the normal operation of the lubrication system. The oil filter should be replaced together with the oil when changing the oil. Under normal circumstances, the car needs to be maintained every 5000km.济南路通悦宝汽车服务有限公司是一家集进口国产轿车,越野车、城市SUV,诊断,维修与保养及配件供应、车险销售理赔为一体的汽车修理保养服务养护维修单位。拥有多种大型检测设备,主营:进口国产 、奔驰、宝马、奥迪、保时捷、沃尔沃、路虎、大众等豪华车诊断维修与保养服务(德系之家)。 本单位以“技术立本、诚信致远、服务致胜”的经营理念且依靠多年的实战经验和管理为您提供温馨的综合服务。 本单位员工均持证上岗,经过培训,确保每台车辆维修质量如新! |