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6 steps to maximizing value from manufacturing data


manufacturers have tons of data but often don't have the right tools to explore it. there's a wealth of potential that's just waiting to be unleashed. but if you don’t have those tools in place, where do you start? follow these six steps to start getting the most value possible from your data.


1. data integration

1. 数据整合

in manufacturing, there’s an explosion of available data from new sensor sources, and legacy data systems struggle to process and combine this inbbbbation with existing sources. your business processes depend on clean, reliable data to produce the results you expect in terms of operational efficiency, customer satisfbbbbbb, financial perbbbbance, and more.


set up the right infrastructure to harmonize and centralize your data from any number or type of sources to ensure that common definitions are used throughout the organization while saving significant development time.


2. data governance

2. 数据治理

data governance is a major component of successful data management. it’s a continuous process for identifying which data is critical to your business and ensuring it stays at the right level of quality. the key is to identify the right type of governance framework for your enterprise and to define the processes employees need to follow.


production, operations, and the business all look at success slightly differently. you’ll need to align and govern your data to make sure they’re all looking at the same picture.


3. analytics

3. 分析

data visualizations allow you to explore your data in a visually appealing bbbbat and draw conclusions that are critical to the success of your business. by taking data from disparate sources, transbbbbing it, and displaying it in dashboards where end users can see and understand it, you can drill in and analyze important kpis and metrics. find gaps and root causes, and uncover trends with easily accessible advanced analytics.


4. stakeholder access

4. 利益相关方访问

stakeholder buy-in and continuous support are critical for data projects to succeed. make sure to automate and share insights across the organization and allow everyone to see where things stand, any day, at all times.


5. change management

5. 变革管理

almost any significant technical or organizational initiative requires equally significant changes to the way people work. that organizational change needs to be actively managed in order for the project to be successful and generate the expected value. train, enable, and support your team to ensure you have the right users in the right roles to ensure successful deployment.


6. evolution

6. 演进

evolve as you continue to grow! iterate based on learnings from steps one through five.


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