
数量(个) 价格
1 1元/个
  • 供货总量: 电议
  • 最小起订: 1个
  • 发货地址: 福州
  • 付款方式: 面议
  • 发布日期:2020-11-02
  • 访问量:183


实名认证 企业认证
  • 联系人:张经理
  • 手机:18750780683
  • 电话:0591-38266710
  • 营业执照:已审核 营业执照
  • 经营模式: 贸易公司-私营独资企业
  • 所在地区:福建 福州市
  • 家家通积分:0分


品牌 AB 规格型号 1786-RG6F
编号 1786-RG6F 计量单位 1个
付款方式 面议 参考价格 1
价格单位 人民币 供货量 不限
说明书,报价手册及驱动 暂无相关下载 其他资料下载 暂无相关下载
产地 美国 发货地 福州






Controllogix处理器提供可选的用户内存模块(750K8M字节),能解决有大量输入输出点数系统的应用问题(支持多达4000点模拟量和128000点数字量)。处理器可以控制本地输入输出和远程输入输出。处理器可以通过以太网EtherNet/IP、 控制网ControlNet、 设备网DeviceNet和远程输入输出Universal Remote I/O来监控系统中的输入和输出。




除了内置的RS-232(DF1/DH-485协议)通讯口外,网络通讯的接口是模块化的。包括以太网EtherNet/IP, 控制网ControlNet, 设备网DeviceNet, DH+网络, 远程输入输出网络Universal Remote I/OControllogix通过第三方的通讯模块也可以连接到Profibus DP Modus等网络上。



业务负责人: 程工


咨询---FAX: 0591-62181558

咨询---Q Q: 340135333




WAGO Interbus/Digita?l,750-324

EP RS Systemtechnik Netzteil,Z5-GW1?1,Nr.150501010

Siemens Simatic Input 115VAC, TI305-20N

Intercontrol digsy E/A Modul bin?r,4885.02.0?11

Siemens Leistungsschutz?schalter C6,5SX2 206-7

EP OPTO Digital Input,Z5-DE85,N?r.150200050

Berker instabus EIB Schaltaktor 4fach, 75314003

Phoenix Contact FLKM 40,Nr.2281076

AEG Digital I/P DEP 012,191426

Siemens Simatic S5 Erdungsklemme, 6ES5 728-8MA11

Siemens Iskamatic B VD12,6FQ2422-0A?E,6FQ2 422-0AE

Siemens Simatic S5 Digital OUT, 6ES5 450-8MB11

Siemens Simatic S5 Digital OUT,6ES5 457-7LA11,E:02

Siemens S5 IB STME 24 DO 32/2, Ord.No.:2754370 + 275432...

IFM electronic, efector induktiv, IA-2010LABOW

GEFA Processtechnik GmbH,Ser.No.960?058123,Ord.No.7?02672

Milan Micro Mau Transceiver, MIL-05T

Siemens Simatic S5 SINAUT TIM011B,6NH1804?-2BB01-3CB2

AEG Digital Output DAP 002,218395

Siemens Teleperm M,6DS1906-8AA,6?DS1 906-8AA

Intercontrol digsy E/A Modul analog, 4885.06.010

Pepperl + Fuchs, Lichtschranke,P?art.No.418235,L?30-1503

Intercontrol digsy CPU-Modul,4885.?01.007

Sick Reflexions-Lich?tschranke, WL45-P250,10088?40

EP RS Systemtechnik CPU,Z5-ZM14,Nr.?150110040

Bosch Rexroth Interface AG/Z,Mat.Nr.041?523-109401

Phoenix Contact FL HUB AGENT, 2831073

Busch-J?ger Steuerger?t für Dimmer 6532,6197/10

Siemens Simatic S5 IM312, 6ES5 312-3AB32,6ES53?12-3AB32

Siemens Simatic S5 Moby, 6AW5 463-0AB,6AW5463?-0AB

Siemens Simatic S5 Digital OUT,6ES5 457-7LA11,E:02

Siemens Teleperm 6FN1204-8AA00,6?FN1 204-8AA00

Siemens Leistungsschutz?schalter C10,5SX2 210-7

IFM electronic Power Supply, AC1208, AC 1208

Siemens S5 IB STME 24 DO 32/2, Ord.No.:2754370

Siemens Frontstecker, 6FH9252-0B, 6FH9 252-0B

Cedes AG USL800/S24 + AWG 800

Hirschmann Interface Einschubmodul ECFL 2

Siemens Simatic Input 24VDC, TI305-35N

Phoenix Contact IBS IL 24 SEG,2726324

Siemens Starter Combination,3RA?1110-1AD15-1BB4

Phoenix Contact, IBS OPTOSUB -MA/M/R-LK,Art.?Nr.:2750125

Phoenix Contact Interbus-S,IBS RT 24 BK RB-T,2750484

Siemens Simatic S7/Helmholz RAM Card,700-952-1A?H00

Bernstein Sicherheitsscha?lter GC-U1Z VT 90Grad

Wenglor Reflextaster, TC55NA3

MPVME1400 SI0,MP1400 1154 1096, Rev.1.1S

MPVME1400 SI0,MP1400 1174 2896, Rev.1.1S

AEG IAD AEP, Geazent 8000,Id-Nr. 901313,224.002

Siemens S5 InterBus S DO 32-T,2752754

Siemens Simatic S5 CP525, 6ES5525-3UA11,6?ES5 525-3UA11

Phoenix Contact IBS IL 24 RB-T,No.2727941

AEG IAD AEP1, Geazent 8000,Id-Nr. 0594-017003

AEG Analog Input ADU 116, 6051-042.277 508

Siemens Simatic S7 Digital IN,6ES7121-1BB0?0-0AA0,E:02

Siemens Simatic ABZ, 6EM6 224-0A, 6EM6224-0A

Siemens Sinec-Uhrzeitmo?dul,6GK1 901-8AB00-0AA0

Siemens Simatic S5 WF707, 6FM1707-3AA10,6?FM1 707-3AA10

Murr Elektronik MBK-P,DI32 Art.Nr.55401

Siemens Simatic S5 CPU 103, 6ES5 103-8MA03,E:02/?03

Phoenix Contact IBS ST ZF 24, Nr.2750798 + 2751221

SEW-Eurodrive Umrichter Movitrac, 31B055-503-4-00

Siemens Simatic S5 WF625,6FM1610-2?CB00,6FM1 610-2CB00

Phoenix Contact IBS 24 BK-I/O-T,Nr.275?9980

AEG Modicon Analog Input, Fast Input, ADU 206,ADU206

Murr Elektronik Schraubklemmens?et,Art.Nr.:5542?0

Siemens Messwertrechner?, 7NG1002-1AA14 inkl. 6DR2801-8D

Phoenix Contact IBS ST ZF 24 BK-T,No.2750743

Phoenix Contact IBS S5/SL,Nr.278493?9

Siemens Simatic S5 Analog IN,6ES5 460-7LA13

Siemens Frontstecker Eingangs Stufe,6FH8112-1?B

Siemens Frontstecker LWL-Ansteuerung?,6FH9252-0BY70

Murr Elektronik Schraubklemmens?et,Art.Nr.:5543?4

Murr Elektronik Schraubklemmens?et,Art.Nr.:5544?0

Siemens Simatic S5 Helmholz RAM, 700-375-0LD31

Gr?sslin Helligkeitssens?or V86/1 MS 100 EIB

Phoenix Contact IBS IP CDI 1/24-F, Nr.2759731

Siemens Simatic S7 Bus module,6ES7 195-7HG00-0XA0

IFM AS-i Power Supply, AC1216, AC 1216

Siemens Simatic S5 EPROM 16KB,6ES5376-1A?A11

Leuze electronic Reflektionslich?ttaster, RK 90/4-300

Siemens Teleperm M,6DS1922-8AA,6?DS1 922-8AA

Siemens Simatic S5 Analog OUT,6ES5 470-7LC13,E:02

SEW-Eurodrive Umrichter Movidrive, MDS60A0150-503-?4-00

Phoenix Contact IBS IP CDO 3/24-F,Nr.27532?16

AEG MMAE U16P, MAE.FEP1A1, 521.092.103

Siemens Simatic S5 Digital IN/OUT, 6ES5 488-3LA31,E:03

Murr Elektronik MBK-P,DI16 DO16/0,5A,Art.N?r.55405

Murr Elektronik Schraubklemmenb?lock,Art.Nr.:55?422

Siemens Simatic S5 WF620,6FM1610-2?BB00,6FM1 610-2BB00

Murr Elektronik Schraubklemmenb?lock,Art.Nr.:55?422

Siemens Simatic S5 WF620,6FM1610-2?BB00,6FM1 610-2BB00

AEG Modicon Discrete Output 16x24 VDC,DAP 216,DAP216

Siemens Simatic S5 WF726A,6FM1726-?3AA00,6FM1 726-3AA00

AEG Modicon Powers Supply 24 VDC,199850

Siemens Simatic S7 Bus module,6ES7 195-7HA00-0XA0

Siemens Simatic S5 WF625,6FM1610-2?CB00,6FM1 610-2CB00

Siemens S5 IBS ST 24 BK-RB, Ord.No.:2721950

Phoenix Contact IBS IP CDO 3/24-F,Nr.27532?16

Phoenix Contact IB IL 24/230 DOR1/W, 2836434

Bosch Rexroth DDL-Bus Module Profibus,MNR:33?75000250

Keyence Genral Purpose Digital Laser Sensor,LV-52P

Murr Elektronik MBK-P,DI16 Art.Nr.55400

Phoenix Contact IBS IP CDIO/R 24-8, Nr.2719467

Beckhoff Digital Output module, KL2022,KL 2022

Siemens Simatic S7 Profibusstecker?,6ES7 972-0BB41-0XA0

AEG Modicon A500 CPU ALU 150,239642

Phoenix Contact IBS ST 24 AI 4/BP, Nr.2751564

Kl?ckner Moeller Input Analog, EBE 275.2

Siemens Simatic S5 CPU-101U,6ES5 101-8UA11,E:02

Bosch Rexroth DDL-Bus Module Profibus,MNR:33?75000250

Siemens Sinamics Control Unit,6SL3040-0M?A00-0AA1

Siemens Simatic S7 DO 8 x REL,6ES7 322-1HF80-0AA0

SEW-Eurodrive Umrichter Movidrive, MDV60A0075-5A3-?4-00

Kunststofflicht?leitkabel Wenglor K6,NEU

Beckhoff II/O Lightbus Koppler, BK2010, BK 2010 eco.

VIPA/Siemens Simatic S5 EEPROM, 375-0LC41

SEW-Eurodrive Umrichter Movidrive, MDV60A0075-5A3-?4-00

Kl?ckner Moeller Suconet-P Profibus, EBE 292.1

Siemens Sinamics Control Unit,6SL3040-0N?C00-0AA0

SEW-Eurodrive Umrichter Movitrac,1015-4?03-4-00

Siemens Teleperm XS Fiberopotic Transceiver,6FK?5232-8AA

Philips Schroff Netzger?t, PE3267/23, 11009-381

Siemens Simatic S5 MEP,6ES5985-2AA?11,6ES5 985-2AA11

WAGO Profibus DP/FMS 12 MBd,750-303

Hirschmann Ethernet AUI 2 Ports AUI Interface ECAUI

Siemens Simatic S7 Sitop Power 5,6EP1 333-2AA00

Phoenix Contact IBS IP CDO 3/24-F-V3,Nr.27?21785

Phoenix Contact IBS IP CDI 3/24-F-V3, Nr.2721798

Phoenix Contact IBS IP CDO 3/24-F-V3,Nr.27?21785

Phoenix Contact IBS IP CDI 3/24-F-V3,Nr.27?21798

Siemens Simatic S7 Analog OUT,6ES7 332-7ND00-0AB0,?E:03

Siemens Simatic S5 CPU 103,6ES5 103-8MA01,6ES51?03-8MA01

Siemens Simatic S7 CP340,6ES7 340-1AH02-0AE0

Beckhoff IN/OUT module,M-1410,M?1410

Beckhoff SERCOS Coupler, BK7500, BK 7500

Phoenix Contact IBS IL AI 2/SF,2726285

Beckhoff Voltage Supply Terminal, KL9200,KL 9200

SEW Eurodrive EMV-Modul, EF014-503

SEW Movidrive,MDX61?B0022-5A3-4-0T

Beckhoff Interbus-S Koppler, BK4010, BK 4010 eco.

Siemens Simatic S7 Analog OUT,6ES7 332-5RD00-0AB0,?E:07

Beckhoff Profibus Koppler, BK3010, BK 3010 eco.

MOOG Brushless Technology T161 Controller,T161?-211

AEG Schneider Telemecanique,T?SXMAP1074,TSX MAP1074

Beckhoff Digital Output module, KL2012,KL 2012

Schneider Automation Telemecanique Input,TSX DET 32 52

Beckhoff Digital Input module, KL1002,KL 1002

Berker instabus EIB Jalousieaktor 1fach, 75331001

Festo Ventilinsel CPV10-GE-ASI-4E?4A-M8

Simatic S7, ET200B-32 DO

1 Reihe, Dexion Speedlock Super 4, Palettenregal, Schwe...

5 St?nder, 16 Balkenpaare, 64 Auflagewinkel

Fasspresse, HSM 3000, Baujahr: 1998, Pressdruck: 28 to

Sick Reflexions Lichtschranke WL260 F270 mit Halterung

Vermessungsger??t, Zeiss TH42, mit Koffer

Hauser, Compax-M, 500

Sick Linienscanner CLV 490 0010 Barcodescanner Scanner ...

Melsec/Mitsubis?hi Panel MAC50

APC Smart UPS, System 9000 Smart UPS 600 RMI

Danfoss VLT Type 3011, 175H7277, 380-415 V

Leuze Lichtsensor LS 64/4 E-S

Sick Linienscanner CLV 490 7010

Simatic S7 ET200B 32 DI

Simatic S5 ET200U 6ES5 318 8MB12

Datalogic Barcode Scanner DS41 10

Contrinex LRS 6060 104 Lichtschranke

SEW, Movidyn, MA5015 FD 00

AccuSort Laser Quad Scanner Quad X

Simatic S5 SINEC 6GK1143 0AA01

Datalogic Barcode Scanner DS 4600A 3100 inkl. Halterung

BEUMER, Linearsensor Kippschalen Sorter LIN1000 30 259...

SEW Funkentst?r-Mod?ul EF075 503

Leuze, BCL5-140 100

AccuSort Accu Sort Laserscanner Modell 24 Serie II

Vitronic 72377 Optischer Scanner

SEW, Movidyn, MP5027 AD 00

SEW, Bremswiderstand?, BW200-003

Simatic S5, Rack, 6ES5 700-2LA12

Sick OTC 400 Lesestation

Simatic S5 SINEC 6GK1143 0AB01

Leuze Lichtsensor LS64/2.8 SE-S

Hauser, Compax-M, P100M

Simatic S5 Digital Out 6ES5 441 8MA11

Melsec/Mitsubis?hi, A2N CPU 110

SEW, Funkentst?r-Mod?ul, EF030-503

Hauser, Power Supply, 20/B


Leuze Panel DD55 IS

PlainTree, PTD2517, Wave Bus

Simatic, Sitop 10

Melsec/Mitsubis?hi, Rack, 110C

Melsec/Mitsubis?hi, Rack, 109c

Simatic S5 6ES5 451 4UA13

Melsec/Mitsubis?hi, AY11E, 107D

Sick Lichttaster WT36 P410 mit Halterung

Simatic S5, Digital Input, 6ES5 421-8MA12

Melsec/Mitsubis?hi, AX82, 105B

Melsec/Mitsubis?hi, AY13E, 109D

SEW, Funkentst?r-Mod?ul, EAD231, 500/60

SEW Funkentst?r-Mod?ul 014 503

Simatic S5 SINEC L2 DP 6ES5 308 3UB11

AccuSort Steuerger?t Flex 5800

















6ES7 211-0AA23-0XB0

6ES7 972-0CB20-0XA0

6ES7 212-1AB23-0XB8

6ES7 212-1BB23-0XB8

6ES7 214-1AD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-1BD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-2AD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-2AS23-0XB8

6ES7 214-2BD23-0XB8

6ES7 216-2AD23-0XB8

6ES7 216-2BD23-0XB8

6ES7 221-1BH22-0XA8

6ES7 221-1BF22-0XA8

6ES7 221-1EF22-0XA0

6ES7 222-1BF22-0XA8

6ES7 222-1EF22-0XA0

6ES7 222-1HF22-0XA8

6ES7 222-1BD22-0XA0

6ES7 222-1HD22-0XA0

6ES7 223-1BF22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1HF22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1BH22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1PH22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1BL22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1PL22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1BM22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1PM22-0XA8

6ES7 231-0HC22-0XA8

6ES7 231-0HF22-0XA0

6ES7 231-7PB22-0XA8

6ES7 231-7PC22-0XA0

6ES7 231-7PD22-0XA8

6ES7 231-7PF22-0XA0

6ES7 232-0HB22-0XA8

6ES7 232-0HD22-0XA0

6ES7 235-0KD22-0XA8

6ES7 277-0AA22-0XA0

6ES7 253-1AA22-0XA0

6ES7 241-1AA22-0XA0

6ES7211-1BD3 S7-1200 

6ES7211-1BE3 S7-1200 

6ES7211-1AD3 S7-1200 

6ES7211-1AE3 S7-1200 

6ES7211-1HE3 S7-1200 

6ES7211-1HD3 S7-1200 


6ES7212-1BE3 S7-1200 

6ES7212-1AE3 S7-1200 

6ES7212-1AD3 S7-1200 

6ES7212-1HE3 S7-1200

6ES7212-1HD3 S7-1200

6ES7214-1BG3 S7-1200

6ES7214-1AG3 S7-1200

6ES7214-1AE3 S7-1200 

6ES7214-1HG3 S7-1200 

6ES7214-1HE3 S7-1200 

6ES7215-1AG3 S7-1200 

6ES7290-6AA3 S7-1200


6ES7221-1BH3 S7-1200 

6ES7221-1BF3 S7-1200

6ES7232-4HB3 S7-1200
























6ES7222-1BF2 S7-200













6ES7 211-0AA23-0XB0

6ES7 211-0BA23-0XB0

6ES7 212-1AB23-0XB8

6ES7 212-1BB23-0XB8

6ES7 214-1AD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-1BD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-2AD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-2BD23-0XB8

6ES7 216-2AD23-0XB8

6ES7 216-2BD23-0XB8

6ES7 221-1BH22-0XA8

6ES7 221-1BF22-0XA8

















6ES7 211-0AA23-0XB0

6ES7 972-0CB20-0XA0

6ES7 212-1AB23-0XB8

6ES7 212-1BB23-0XB8

6ES7 214-1AD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-1BD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-2AD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-2AS23-0XB8

6ES7 214-2BD23-0XB8

6ES7 216-2AD23-0XB8

6ES7 216-2BD23-0XB8

6ES7 221-1BH22-0XA8

6ES7 221-1BF22-0XA8

6ES7 221-1EF22-0XA0

6ES7 222-1BF22-0XA8

6ES7 222-1EF22-0XA0

6ES7 222-1HF22-0XA8

6ES7 222-1BD22-0XA0

6ES7 222-1HD22-0XA0

6ES7 223-1BF22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1HF22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1BH22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1PH22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1BL22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1PL22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1BM22-0XA8

6ES7 223-1PM22-0XA8

6ES7 231-0HC22-0XA8

6ES7 231-0HF22-0XA0

6ES7 231-7PB22-0XA8

6ES7 231-7PC22-0XA0

6ES7 231-7PD22-0XA8

6ES7 231-7PF22-0XA0

6ES7 232-0HB22-0XA8

6ES7 232-0HD22-0XA0

6ES7 235-0KD22-0XA8

6ES7 277-0AA22-0XA0

6ES7 253-1AA22-0XA0

6ES7 241-1AA22-0XA0

6ES7211-1BD3 S7-1200 

6ES7211-1BE3 S7-1200 

6ES7211-1AD3 S7-1200 

6ES7211-1AE3 S7-1200 

6ES7211-1HE3 S7-1200 

6ES7211-1HD3 S7-1200 


6ES7212-1BE3 S7-1200 

6ES7212-1AE3 S7-1200 

6ES7212-1AD3 S7-1200 

6ES7212-1HE3 S7-1200

6ES7212-1HD3 S7-1200

6ES7214-1BG3 S7-1200

6ES7214-1AG3 S7-1200

6ES7214-1AE3 S7-1200 

6ES7214-1HG3 S7-1200 

6ES7214-1HE3 S7-1200 

6ES7215-1AG3 S7-1200 

6ES7290-6AA3 S7-1200


6ES7221-1BH3 S7-1200 

6ES7221-1BF3 S7-1200

6ES7232-4HB3 S7-1200
























6ES7222-1BF2 S7-200













6ES7 211-0AA23-0XB0

6ES7 211-0BA23-0XB0

6ES7 212-1AB23-0XB8

6ES7 212-1BB23-0XB8

6ES7 214-1AD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-1BD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-2AD23-0XB8

6ES7 214-2BD23-0XB8

6ES7 216-2AD23-0XB8

6ES7 216-2BD23-0XB8

6ES7 221-1BH22-0XA8

6ES7 221-1BF22-0XA8

科尔摩根 PSR4/5A-275-0003

霍尼韦尔 TC-PRR021

库卡 FE004/1-1 69-157-012

安川控制器 CMFP-PM33F2


GE发那科 IC693CPU374

ABB  3RK1904-2AB01

德国SEW制动电阻 BW147

本特利 3500前卡 3500-42M140734-02s PROXIMITOR/SEISMIC MONITORPWA

ABB 3HAC4816-1

BOSCH REXROTH SE301 0608830160

发那科 A860-2000-T301

美国DYNAPAR温控器  HA62525400H1

ABB 3HAC14279-1/05 保护控制单元

施耐德CPU模块 TSXP 57103M

ABB 3HEA802403-010

富士模块 B324TO

霍尼韦尔TDC3009的卡件 51197005-100NUMBER)。

施耐德 TSX3721101    数量1

AB 2711-B5A8L1 触摸屏

安川马达 SGDH-10DE-OY

SEW MAS51A030-503-00

CT互感器及连线   ABB-E4S 4000

东方马达 PK299-03B-A2

AB 1794TB3G接线端子

电源模块 ACC-E1A


西门子 6ES5482-8MA13


霍尼韦尔 MC-TAIH02 PLC

霍尼韦尔 TC-PRS021


安川 SGMAS-01ACA21

ABB DSQC540 保护控制单元

AB 软起型号150-A180NBDB

施耐德 140DAO84210



费希尔控制器 33B7073X032

库卡 71-051-676 710516760005022165

霍尼韦尔 XD505A


霍尼韦尔TDC3003的卡件 EPDG2

科尔摩根 BDS5A-240-00010/805A2-04


ABB DSTA131 卡件

霍尼韦尔 10006/2/1

输入模块 IC200MDL650E

施耐德 140CRA93200 通讯模块

DSQC604 控制电源

西门子 G4-TBSP-100 称重传感器



施耐德  140ACO02000 模拟量输出

GF 3-2821-1 SIGNET电导率仪

本特利 3500-42M  125672-02F卡件

施耐德  140DDO35300 开关量输出


西门子 6EP1931-2EC3

SEW MDX61B0030-5A3-4-OT


莫迪康 140 DAO 353 00

霍尼韦尔 10018/E/1

安川变频器 SGMM-A2S312

库卡 6FX1125-1CA01

施耐德 ABL8RPS24100 电源

共和加速度传感器 AS-2GB


安川电机 USAFED-03D21

安川 CIMR-VMW2022

霍尼韦尔 51402497-200 操作键盘

库卡 NM100AB

欧姆龙 FND-X12H-SRT

施耐德 BCH0602O12A1C


贝加莱 8AC123.60-1 

西门子 D-76181


Alcab-Lucent NPRAE 3BA23254


库卡 20561641222140A700280

莫迪康 140 DAO 853  00

SEW变频器 MDS60A0110-5A3-4-00

德国SEW操作面板 FBG11B

霍尼韦尔 XP502

库卡 D088-2858-01016


GF 385501P 流量计

施耐德连接线 TSXPCX1031-C

力士乐 R-IL PB BK DP/V1 模块

欧姆龙开关  S82K-05024

西门子 6ES7 134-4JB50-0AB0

本特利 3500背卡 3500-42M  128229-01 PROX/SEISMIC I/O MODULE


西门子 6ES7 315-2EH14-0AB0 

ABB ACS143-K75-3-C


安川 SGDA-03BP

福克期波罗模块 P0961AA

穆勒 DILM225/22(RA250)

ABB示教器  3HNE00313-1

安川 SGDH-05DE

AB触摸屏 2711-M3A18L1

三洋 PB3A003P200 伺服控制器

发那科  A20B-3300-0392  

AB触摸屏 2711-T6C16L1


库卡 NR. 068900102 ART NR 69-350-125

ABB 3HAC6965-1

安川 SGM-02U3B4SL 200W 200V 电机


西门子连接器 6EP1931-2EC11

AB 1761-L32BWA PLC

本特利 3500-42M  140734-02s 卡件

穆尔 MCS40-3X400-500/24

安川 SGMPS-02ACA21

库卡 6FX1125-1CA01

SEW MDS60A0075-503-4-00 变频器

安川 JUSP-WS60AA 机器人备件

发那科 A06B-0075-B403 

多摩川 AU6616N1021E2

德国SEW制动电阻 BW100-005


施耐德 LXM32MU90M2

美国Kollmorgen AKM65K-ANCNR-00 伺服电机

AB 2711-T10C1L1 触摸屏

安川 SGMGH-44A2A-YR12

总线连接器  VIPA 972-0DP10 6


ABB S30JBK-ZT-30R3G-4889G

ABB 61004955

T-120D        数量1


发那科 A20B-8101-0320 板子


穆尔 MPS20-3X400/24

ABB 264DSQSAA2K    7

安川 SGM03L3B4CL


施耐德模块 TSXDSY08R4D

施耐德 140DDI35300 开关量输入

施耐德  140CPS12400 电源模块

ABB 57120001-CV

ABB 3HAC18158-1 保护控制单元

霍尼韦尔电缆 51202329-601

ABB 3BSE001077R1

霍尼韦尔TDC3005的卡件 51309152-175IOP  AO

安川变频器 CIMR-G5U4030

科尔摩根 AKM24D-ACCNR-00


TR编码器 CEV65M-01460

穆勒  EM4-201-DX2  电源及CPU模块

西门子 6ES7953-8LL20-0AA0

SEW MDX61B0110-503-4-00 变频器

霍尼韦尔 XD505A

安川 HI-25ETCU-U

霍尼韦尔TDC3000的卡件  K2LCN-2

AB触摸屏 2711P-K4M20D


艾默生 SKB3400075


富士 FPU140S-A10

编码器 CE65M110-02527 编码器

unitronics V130-33-T2

施耐德模块 140CPU43412A

力士乐电机 MSK030C-0900-NN-M1-UG1-NNNN

共和加速度传感器 AS-5GB

霍尼韦尔模块 TC-CCR013

西门子 6GK1562-1AA00

控制器 2P400-495HF


穆尔 MPS20-230/24

发那科 A860-2109-T302

霍尼韦尔TDC3007的卡件 51304487-150IOP  DO

ABB SR5113BSE000863R1 电源模块

艾默生 KJ3221X1BA1

SEW MDX61B0075-5A3-4-00

施耐德 TSX PLC 01    数量1

霍尼韦尔TDC3008的卡件 51304754-150IOP  AI


霍尼韦尔TDC3002的卡件 K2LCN-8

施耐德模块 TSXDSY16T2

西门子接触器 3ZX1012-ORH11-1AA1

施耐德模块 140AVO02000

施耐德 TSXSUP1051  

安川 SGDV-120A01A

发那科 A16B-1211-0920

施耐德  140ACI03000 模拟量输入

库卡 1FK701-5AY81-1SH3-Z


霍尼韦尔 TK-PRR021

贝加莱 7CP476.60-1

海德汉编码器 RON 785C 18000 01-03/B9

安川 USAFED-03D21

美国AB驱动器 SD3000 SD3K2004

富士 NP1X6406-W 模块

MODEL  GM150090056G直流变速电机

三洋 67ZA150MXXXC01

安川 CIMR-VHC4045 OB 60KVA


穆勒  PS4-201-MMI  输入/出及扩展模块




VIP惠朋 SM222

富士 NP1Y64TO9P1NP1Y64T09P1 模块

DM05-K DM05K

霍尼韦尔 DV-10060-6881-02

霍尼韦尔 TK-PRS021


西门子 G4-TBSP-100 称重传感器

多摩川 TS2611N11E90 伺服电机

发那科 A20B-0236-C120#TBR    

科尔摩根 S62000 伺服电源驱动器

西门子 6ES7134-4JB51-0AB0


SEW MM22C-503-00

施耐德 140XBP01000 PLC安装导轨

施耐德模块 AS-B883-111

发那科 A208-3900-0160 

施耐德模块 TSXP57634M

西门子 6ES7135-4GB01-0AB0

电源模块 ACC-24E2A3-3398A-00-0008-R100

ABB REF542 保护控制单元

欧姆龙 FND-X12H-SRT

力士乐 DKC02.3-040-7-FW

力士乐 MAC090B-0-PD-2-C/110-A-1

施耐德 TSXAEG4110 PLC

SEW MDX61B0300-503-4-00 变频器

ABB D0012242

西门子 A1000-19

AB 2711P-T7C4D1 触摸屏



多摩川 TS1508N255

发那科 A06B-0063-B103  

安川 SGDH-04AE

安川 JANCD-XIF03-1 机器人备件

施耐德 140CPS21400 PLC电源模块

ABB 3BSC980051R41

欧酷 ABS-FB-D2048 玛编码器

SEW MC07B0220-503-4-00 变频器

霍尼韦尔TDC3001的卡件 K2LCN-4

发那科 A02B-0321-B500

力士乐 BGR NTB 02-00  驱动器

施耐德变压器 ABL-6TS160U


施耐德驱动器 ACM1K40030H


77-964-2300 plc

穆尔 MPS10-230/24

ABB 3HAC7998-2 15信号电缆

发那科 A20B-3300-0242    

海德汉编码器 Ron785C-18000

ABB 3HAC028357-001  示教器

霍尼韦尔 TC-CCR013

ACC-E1A(3-3269A-00-0000-R000) 模拟量输出模块

施耐德模块 140DAI75300

三菱 MR-J2S-200A

ABB电池 3BSE018172R1

穆勒  LE4-108-XR1  输入/出及扩展模块

ABB SR511 3BSE000863R1 电源模块


霍尼韦尔 900A16-0001 DCS控制卡

科尔摩根 CP306250


西门子 6ES7134-4LB02-0AB0

德国SEW变频器 MC07B0008-5A3-4-00 0.75KW


艾默生 KJ3222X1BA1

库卡 71-051-223


霍尼韦尔 XD505A

AB 1763-L16DWD PLC

德国SEW变频器 MC07B0075-5A3-4-00 7.5KW

德国SEW扼流圈 HD001

霍尼韦尔 51304754-150


西门子 6SY7000-0AB67 变频器

霍尼韦尔 DU-10-060-6881-02

西门子 3RK1904-2AB01

瑞恩输入板 45C40

欧酷玛OKUMA板子 E4809-045-221-B

GE iC693MDL753H

科尔摩根 AKD-P00306-NBEC-0000

45C1A 控制板

unitronics V100-17-PB1


富士 FRK-750C

施耐德 TSXP572623M

施耐德 TSX AEZ 801   数量1

ABB 500S1166 保护控制单元

ABB 3HEA802403-00812.5米电缆

库卡 NR. 69-250-333

西门子 6ES7272-OAA3O-OYA1 plc


霍尼韦尔 MC-TLPA02

发那科 A20B-3300-0311                    

GE IC64180RCP10X

ABB C300/0010/STD

unitronics V100-17-ET2

本特利 3500前卡 3500/42 PROXIMITOR/SEISMIC MONITOR PWA 125672-02F

安川 JRMSP-120XCP  9600

共和 TP-10KCE 传感器

霍尼韦尔 CC-PDOB01

施耐德 TSX08H04M

松下 MSMA042A-1E

安川 HI-25ETCU-U

ABB 57160001-ABD

AB 2711-K5A2 触摸屏

共和 KFG-5-120-C1-11

多摩川 TS2611N11E90

发那科 A02B-0279-B502

富士模块 NP1PH-16

AB 1747-L40C

科尔摩根 AKM41H-ACCNC-00

西门子 3RK1904-2AB00

霍尼韦尔电缆 51202329-600


ABB PFEA113 保护控制单元

ABB A185-30-11AC220V 接触器

西门子 6BK1200-0AB20-0AA0 

ABB 3HEA802409-00712米电缆

本特利 3500-42M  128229-01 卡件

施耐德PLC 140ACI04000 

力士乐 REXROTH ID2550

施耐德 LXM32MU90M2驱动器


Dialogic 语音卡 D-41EPCI 

ABB通讯模块 3BSE020520R1

富士 NP1Y64T09P1


富士 70SCPU的型号 NC 1P-S0

保护单元脱扣器  ABB-PR112/P-LSIG

库卡 6FX1125-1CA01

SEW MDX61B0008-5A3-4-0T

施耐德驱动器 ACM-D2

施耐德模块 140DAI54000


穆勒  LE4-116-DX1  输入/出及扩展模块



ABB 5SHY-3545L0009

ABB开关电源 X511A-R5

霍尼韦尔电源模块 900P01-0001

霍尼韦尔 TP-OPADP1-201 操作键盘附件

科尔摩根 CP306250


发那科 A06B-6115-H006          

ABB DSAI130 系统卡件

施耐德模块 140CPU43412

安川 PG-X3

施耐德变频器 ATV71HD22N4

发那科 A06B-6079-H105

施耐德模块 TSXPSY5500

施耐德 140CPU67160


风机水泵变频器 SJ700B-300HFF  30KW

施耐德 TSXDEY16D2

力士乐 BTV04.2GN-FW 操作面板

多摩川电机 TS4884N9072E411

小马达 11BRW-300-F1/6

ABB AI801 模拟量输入模块

施耐德 TSXDEZ12D2 

施耐德驱动器 ACP3602-2B

施耐德 TSXDMZ28DR    数量1

发那科 A860-2005-T301

施耐德 TSX PSY2600  

穆尔 MPS10-230/24 230VAC,24VDC/10A

欧酷玛OKUMA E4809-045-243-B

ABB开关电源 CP-C 24/20.0

霍尼韦尔 05701-A-0302


科尔摩根 AKM42E-EKGNR-01 伺服驱动

安川 SGM-08U3B4L

力士乐 TBM1.1-20-W1/220

ABB 083N401

西门子 6AR1312-0AA01-0AA0

AB 控制头序列号40888-313-53

安川 SGMM-A2S312


ABB驱动模块  DSQC663  3HAC029818-001/07

ELMO A10/200-C6 驱动器

西门子 6ES7158-0AD00-0XA0

西门子 6ES5470-8MA12

unitronics V100-17-RS4(X)

ABB DCF503A0050 单元励磁

瑞士HUBA 511.9430037 压力传感器

变频器  ACP201-04  3/PE  AC208

惠鹏 VIPA972-0DP30

穆格的伺服 T200-510F-0AA1

施耐德 ABL7RE2405

欧酷玛OKUMA的驱动器 MIV0104A-1-B5

霍尼韦尔TDC3010的卡件 51309152-175

ABB ACP201-043/PEAC208

富士 FPC220P

莫迪康  tsx08cd08r6ac


DANAHER S61000 伺服驱动器

西门子 3ZX1012-ORH11-1AA1

霍尼韦尔 MC-TAMR04


库卡 FE005/1-6 69-157-019

安川 SGMAS-12ACA21

西门子 6ES7416-2XN05-0AB0

输出模块 IC200MDL750D

发那科 A06B-6093-H152

莫迪康 140NOE77101

电源 NETAPP   3020C

ABB M2QA180M2A 电机


AB 20HIMA6 变频器操作面板

SEW 编码器  ES2T

安川 SGMAS-08ACAH761

输出板 45C60

安川马达 SGDH-05DE-OY 1

安川变频器 CIMR-G5A4030 

通讯电缆   VIPA  830-0EH1050

发那科 A02B-0259-B501

ABB 6231BP10820C-E 保护控制单元

霍尼韦尔 XC5010C

ABB C310/0010/STD 保护控制单元

发那科 A02B-0166-C201/S NC界面一体机或显示板


欧酷玛编码器 ER-FC-2048D

西门子伺服电机 1FK7063-5AF71-1UH3-Z

费希尔控制器 CL6871X1-A3

霍尼韦尔TDC3004的卡件 51304485-150IOP  DI

AB 1794IE12 PLC模拟量输入卡件


发那科 A06B-6130-H003


ABB 3HAC4816-2

力士乐 MAC090B-0-PD-2-C/110-A-1

安川 JANCD-XCP01C-1 机器人备件

安川 SGDH-10DE


霍尼韦尔 51196655-100 

穆勒 PS416-OUT-400

施耐德 LXM23DU04M3X 

ABB 3HNP04014-1

安川 SGMM-A2C312

库卡 1FT3071

横河 LR  4220E

PLC电源模块 IC200PWR101E

灭弧罩  ABB-E4S 4000

安川 SGMPH-04AAA21

西门子 6EP1931-2EC11

GE 6KAF343020E$A1 变频器

PWMS 110X10-20

施耐德 TSX1723428

施耐德 XS612B1MAL2


AB罗克韦尔 2711-B5A8L1 按键屏

发那科 A20B-2101-0020

德维创 DEWE-5000 记录仪

霍尼韦尔TDC3006的卡件 51304362-150IOP  RTD

莫迪康 AMSA85002

ANSALDO模块 电源触发板 211QS50003B

施耐德 140ACO13000 模拟量输出


霍尼韦尔 DC2500-E0-0L00-200-00000-E0-0 

发那科 A860-2005-T301

J0200TF I/A Batch Server Small Lic V8.0 (70 Series)

J0200TG I/A Batch Config Client Lic V8.0 (70 Series)

J0200TH I/A Batch Backup Server Large Lic V8.0 (50 Series)

J0200TL I/A Batch Backup Server Large Lic V8.0 (70 Series)

J0200TM I/A Batch Backup Server Med Lic V8.0 (70 Series)

J0200TN I/A Batch Backup Server Small Lic V8.0 (70 Series)

J0200TQ I/A Batch Reporting Client Lic V8.0 (50&70 Series)

J0200TV I/A Batch Server Upgrade Small To Med (70 Series)

J0200TW I/A Batch Server Upgrade Med To Large (70 Series)

J0200TX I/A Batch Backup Server Upgrade Small To Med (70)

J0200TY I/A Batch Backup Server Upgrade Med To Large (70)

J0200UA Upgrade SW Lic To FoxView/FoxDraw V8.x

J0200UB Upgrade Lic For Addl FoxView V8.x Client 1 User

J0200UC Upgrade Lic For Addl FoxView V8.x Client 5 User

J0200UD Upgrade Lic For Addl FoxView V8.x Client 10 User

J0200UE Upgrade Lic For Addl FoxView V8.x Client 20 User

J0200UF Upgrade Lic For Addl FoxView V8.x Client 50 User

J0200UG Upgrade Lic For Addl FoxView V8.x Client 100 User

J0200UL I/A Series A2 Alarm Integ. To FS A2 V1.x-1 Lic

J0200UM I/A Series A2 Alarm Integ. To FS A2 V1.x-5 Lic

J0200UN I/A Series A2 Alarm Integ. To FS A2 V1.x-10 Lic

J0200UP I/A Batch Operator Client Lic V8.1 (50 Series)

J0200UQ I/A Batch Server Large Lic V8.1 (50 Series)

J0200UR I/A Batch Server Medium Lic V8.1 (50 Series)

J0200US I/A Batch Server Small Lic V8.1 (50 Series)

J0200UT I/A Batch Config Client Lic V8.1 (50 Series)

J0200UU I/A Batch Developer's Toolkit Lic V8.1 (50 Series)

J0200UV I/A Batch Operator Client Lic V8.1 (70 Series)

J0200UW I/A Batch Server Large Lic V8.1 (70 Series)

J0200UX I/A Batch Server Medium Lic V8.1 (70 Series)

J0200UY I/A Batch Server Small Lic V8.1 (70 Series)

J0200UZ I/A Batch Config Client Lic V8.1 (70 Series)

J0200VA I/A Batch Backup Server Large Lic V8.1 (50 Series)

J0200VB I/A Batch Backup Server Med Lic V8.1 (50 Series)

J0200VC I/A Batch Backup Server Small Lic V8.1 (50 Series)

J0200VD I/A Batch Backup Server Large Lic V8.1 (70 Series)

J0200VE I/A Batch Backup Server Med Lic V8.1 (70 Series)

J0200VF I/A Batch Backup Server Small Lic V8.1 (70 Series)

J0200VG I/A Batch Reporting Client Lic V8.1 (50&70 Series)

J0200VH I/A Batch Server Upgrade Small To Med  (50 Series)

J0200VJ I/A Batch Server Upgrade Med To Large  (50 Series)

J0200VK I/A Batch Backup Server Upgd Small To Med (50 Ser)

J0200VL I/A Batch Backup Server Upgd Med To Large (50 Ser)

J0200VM I/A Batch Server Upgrade Small To Med  (70 Series)

J0200VN I/A Batch Server Upgrade Med To Large  (70 Series)

J0200VP I/A Batch Backup Server Upgd Small To Med (70 Ser)

J0200VQ I/A Batch Backup Server Upgd Med To Large (70 Ser)

J0200VR Transient Data Recording & Analysis SW Lic

J0200VS Sequence Of Events Recording & Reporting SW Lic

J0200VZ Certificate Of Compliance Of I/A Series Products

J0201CF MS Windows Terminal Server CAL 2003, 5 Client Pack

JSOFT21 Version 2.1.x SW Pkg

K0173AA 760 Series Configurator SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AB 761 Series Configurator SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AE Automation Equipment Manager SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AF Auto Equipment Manager Display SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AG Analyzer Management SW (AMS) Console Pkg

K0173AH Analyzer Management SW (AMS) Server Pkg

K0173AJ Batch Plant Management SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AK C Compiler (Solaris) SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AL Interface Control Configurator SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AM Compound Summary Access SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AP Data Validator SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AS Device Monitor SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AT Sun DECnet (Solaris) SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AW System Configurator SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AX System Configurator (Solaris) SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173AZ FoxCAD SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BA Sun FORTRAN (Solaris) SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BG Historian 20 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BL Math Library SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BM C Math Library (Solaris) SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BN Operator Message Interface SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BQ Physical Properties Library SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BR Production Model Editor SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BT Production Model SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BU Process Optimizer SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BV Path Management SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BW Remote Alarm Message Dispatch SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BX Remote Alarm Message Server SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173BY Report Writer 20 SW Pkg (Ver 4.X)

K0173BZ Report Writer (Solaris) SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CB System Manager Display Handler SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CE Statistical Process Control SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CF Statistical Process Control (Solaris) SW Pkg V4.x

K0173CG Spreadsheet (Solaris) SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CH PRELUDE Spreadsheet SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CJ System Monitor SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CK Integrator 30 For AB PLC SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CL Allen-Bradley Station SW Pkg

K0173CM AB Data Highway Gateway SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CN AB Data Hwy Gateway, Redundant SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CP Control Processor 30 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CQ Communication Process 10 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CR Display Processor 10 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CS DI30 4.0/4/1ASCII I/F

K0173CT DI15 4.0/4.1 ASCII Interface

K0173CU SPECTRUM Slave Gateway SW Pkg  (V4.x)

K0173CV Tank Processor 10 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CW Instrument Gateway 10 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CX Inbation Network Interface 15 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173CY INTERSPEC Integrator 30 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173DA Modicon Gateway SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173DB Integrator 30 For MG PC SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173DC SPECTRUM Interface Processor SW Pkg  (V4.x)

K0173DD SPECTRUM I/F Processor Redundant SW Pkg  (V4.x)

K0173DE Control Processor 10 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173DF Workstation Processor 30 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173DR SDP Configurator For PC SW Pkg   (V4.x)

K0173DS SDP Single Processor SW Pkg  (V4.x)

K0173DT SDP Dual Processor SW Pkg  (V4.x)

K0173DU Inbation Network Interface 10 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173EA Sun DECnet For AP50/WP50 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173EC System Configurator 50 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173ED Sun FORTRAN For AP50 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173EM C Math Library 50 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173EQ Report Writer 50 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173EU Statistical Process Control 50 SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173EV Spreadsheet 50 SW Pkg  (V4.x)

K0173EZ Personal Workstation V4.0 SW Tape Media

K0173FA Application Processor 10 (AP10) SW Pkg

K0173FB Application Processor 20 (AP20) SW Pkg

K0173FC Workstation Processor 10 (WP10) SW Pkg

K0173FD Workstation Processor 20 (WP20) SW Pkg

K0173FE Control Processor 10 (CP10) SW Pkg   (V3.x)

K0173FF Communication Processor 10 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173FG SPECTRUM Slave Gateway SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173FH Carrierband LAN Interface SW Pkg

K0173FJ PW-FB Opsys SW Pkg

K0173FK PW Opsys SW Pkg

K0173FL Tank Processor 10 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173FM System Monitor SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173FN System Manager Display Handler SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173FP Integrated Control Configurator SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173FQ RBATCH II (Solaris) SW Pkg



K0173FT Physical Properties Library SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173FU PRELUDE Spreadsheet SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173FV Math Library SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173FW Historian 10 SW Pkg

K0173FX System Configurator SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173FY Process Optimizer SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GA Production Model SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GB Data Validator SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GC Batch Plant MgmtSW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GD Automatic Data Capture SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GE Allen-Bradley Data Highway Gateway SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GF CP Sizing Guidelines SW Pkg (Ver 4.x)

K0173GH IRIS II (Solaris) SW Pkg

K0173GL Statistical Process Control SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GM Inbation Network Interface 10 SW Pkg    (V3.x)

K0173GN Panel Display Processor 10 SW Pkg   (V3.x)

K0173GP Historian 20 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GQ Modicon Gateway SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GR Compound Summary Access SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GS Production Model Editor SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GT Device Monitor SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GU FoxCAD SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173GV Loadable Doc SW Pkg

K0173GY Dev Integrator 15 SW Pkg (V3.x) Basic ASCII 5.25"

K0173HA INTERSPEC Integrator SW Pkg (5.25 in)

K0173HB Integrator 30 Allen-Bradley PLC's SW Pkg (5.25 in)

K0173HC Integrator 30 For Modicon PLC's SW Pkg (5.25 in)

K0173HD INT30 SW Pkg (V3.x) - Basic ASCII (5.25 in)

K0173HF FORTRAN Math Library (Solaris) SW Pkg

K0173HM CP40 SW Pkg (2,000 Block V4.1)

K0173HN MODBUS Plus Integrator SW Pkg

K0173HV X-Terminal Hosting SW Package

K0173JA A-B Station SW Pkg

K0173JB Panel Display Processor 10 SW Pkg

K0173JC System Configurator SW Pkg

K0173JD System Configurator 50 SW Pkg

K0173JE System Configurator (Solaris) SW Pkg

K0173JF Tank Processor 10 SW Pkg

K0173JN Control Station Sizing Spreadsheet Disk (V4.2)

K0173KG Modbus/SCADA I/O Driver Lic For AW51

K0173KL Alarm And Message Interface SW Pkg

K0173KQ FoxAnalyst V1.2 (Windows/Solaris) Media Kit

K0173KR V4.X Model 50 Day0 Boot CDROM

K0173KS V4.x Model 51 Day0 Boot CDROM

K0173KT Model 51 Chinese Language Overlay CDROM

K0173KU Model 51 Taiwanese Language Overlay CDROM

K0173KV Model 51 Japanese Language Overlay CDROM

K0173KW Model 51 Korean Language Overlay CDROM

K0173KX Model 51 French Language Overlay CDROM

K0173KY Model 51 German Language Overlay CDROM

K0173KZ Model 51 Spanish Language Overlay CDROM

K0173LA Model 51 Russian Language Overlay CDROM

K0173LB Model 51 Italian Language Overlay CDROM

K0173MD AW70 SCADA (L&N) SW Media Distribution Kit (V6.x)

K0173ME AW70 SCADA (B B) SW Media Distribution Kit (V6.x)

K0173MF AW51 SCADA (L&N) SW Media Distribution Kit (V6.x)

K0173ML FoxDraw Standalone Pkg

K0173MX MICRO-I/A Type I Station SW Pkg (V4.2.1b)

K0173NA Instrument Gateway 10 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173NB Path MgmtSW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173ND PW-NB Opsys SW Pkg

K0173NF PW-HTG Opsys SW Pkg

K0173NK PW-SSI Opsys SW Pkg

K0173NM Operator Message Interface SW Pkg   (V3.x)

K0173PB PW-C Opsys SW Pkg

K0173QA AW70 Integrator SW Lic For Max I/O Blocks

K0173QB AW70 Integrator SW Lic For 256 I/O Blocks

K0173QC AW70 Integrator SW Lic For 128 I/O Blocks

K0173QD AW70 Integrator SW Lic For 64 I/O Blocks

K0173QE AW70 Integrator SW Lic For Max Reg Ctrl Blks

K0173QF AW70 Integrator SW Lic For 256 Reg Ctrl Blks

K0173QG AW70 Integrator SW Lic For 128 Reg Ctrl Blks

K0173QH AW70 Integrator SW Lic For 64 Reg Ctrl Blks

K0173QJ AW70 Integrator SW Lic For Max Sequence Blks

K0173QK AW70 Integrator SW Lic For 256 Sequence Blks

K0173QL AW70 Integrator SW Lic For 128 Sequence Blks

K0173QM AW70 Integrator SW Lic For 64 Sequence Blks

K0173QN WP70 Display SW Lic - Unlimited Blocks

K0173QP WP70 Display SW Lic - 256 Blocks

K0173QQ WP70 Display SW Lic - 128 Blocks

K0173QR WP70 Display SW Lic - 64 Blocks

K0173QS WP70 DM SW Lic - 5 Graphic Displays

K0173QT I/A Fieldbus I/O Driver SW Lic For Windows NT

K0173QU A-B DH+ I/O Driver Media For Windows

K0173QV A-B Enet I/O Driver Media & SW Lic For Windows

K0173QW MODBUS/SCADA I/O Driver Lic For Windows

K0173QX FoxBatch Lite SW Lic For AW51 Integrator

K0173QY AW51 Integrator SW Lic For Max I/O Blocks

K0173QZ AW51 Integrator SW Lic For 256 I/O Blocks

K0173RA AW51 Integrator SW Lic For 128 I/O Blocks

K0173RB AW51 Integrator SW Lic For 64 I/O Blocks

K0173RC AW51 Integrator SW Lic For Max Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0173RD AW51 Integrator SW Lic For 256 Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0173RE AW51 Integrator SW Lic For 128 Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0173RF AW51 Integrator SW Lic For 64 Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0173RG AW51 Integrator SW Lic For Max Sequence Blocks

K0173RH AW51 Integrator SW Lic For 256 Sequence Blocks

K0173RJ AW51 Integrator SW Lic For 128 Sequence Blocks

K0173RK AW51 Integrator SW Lic For 64 Sequence Blocks

K0173RL A-B Ethernet I/O Driver Media For Solaris

K0173TQ I/A Series V6.x/7.x Document CD For Windows pdf

K0173VG Integrator 30B For A-B SW Pkg

K0173VK Integrator 30B For Modicon SW Pkg

K0173VN INTERSPEC Integrator 30B SW Pkg

K0173VW MICRO-I/A ProfiBUS Configurator Media & SW Lic

K0173VX MICRO-I/A Type 1 Station SW Pkg (V6.2)

K0173WE Kit - IFDC 2.3 For I/A Series 8.x (Windows)

K0173WH Media: Sequence Of Events For Windows XP

K0173WJ Media: Transient Data Record & Analysis - Win XP

K0173WT I/A Series V8.x Document CD For Windows pdf

K0173XC Media: MODBUS Driver For FDSI Version 1

K0173XD Media: OPC Client Driver For FDSI Modules

K0173XE Media: Contrologix Driver (via OPC) For FDSI

K0173YM SPECTRUM Interface Processor SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173YN SDP Single Processor SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173YP SDP Dual Processor SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173YQ SDP Configurator For PC SW Pkg   (V3.x)

K0173YT SPECTRUM I/F Processor Redundant SW Pkg   (V3.x)

K0173YV Automation Equip Manager SW Pkg   (V3.x)

K0173YX Inbation Network Interface 15 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173ZA 760 Series Configurator SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173ZC VAX AIS-4 SW Lic

K0173ZD VAX AIS-8 SW Lic

K0173ZE VAX AIS-12 SW Lic

K0173ZF Control Processor 30 (CP30) SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173ZH Workstation Processor 30 (WP30) SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0173ZU Mesh Configuration Tool & Switch/Network Documents

K0174DP Inbix Dyn. Server 5 Concurrent Lic, I/A Series

K0174DQ Inbix CSDK 2.90.UC4 software development kit for devloping Inbix user applications

K0175AG Sun DECnet (Solaris) SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175AH Display Utilities (Solaris) SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175AJ System Configurator (Solaris) SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175AK Sun FORTRAN (Solaris) SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175AU Math Library (Solaris) SW Pkg

K0175AX Report Writer (Solaris) SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175BA PW Kanji SW Pkg (Japanese Market)

K0175BB Statistical Process Control (Solaris) SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175BC Spreadsheet (Solaris) SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175BD C Compiler (Solaris) SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175BL 51 Processor Boot Media

K0175BM SPECTRUM Slave Gateway 3.5 SW Pkg

K0175BQ Auto Equip Manager Display SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175ER FORTRAN Compliler SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175ES INFORMIX On Line Dev Environment SW Pkg

K0175ET Spreadsheet 50 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175EU C Math Library 50 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175EV INI10 Network Interface SW 50 Pkg

K0175EW INI15 Network Interface SW 50 Pkg

K0175EX DECnet Connectivity SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175EZ Display Utilities 50 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175GH Allen Bradley DH Redundant SW 50 Pkg

K0175GJ Allen Bradley DH Gateway SW 50 Pkg

K0175GK Panel Display Processor 10 SW 50 Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175GL Modicon Gateway SW 50 Pkg

K0175GM Tank Processor 10 SW 50 Pkg

K0175GN Dev Integrator 15 SW Pkg (V3.x) Basic ASCII 3.5"

K0175GP Instrument Gateway SW 50 Pkg (Ver 3.x)

K0175GQ SPECTRUM I/F Processor SW 50 Pkg

K0175HA INTERSPEC Integrator SW Pkg (3.5 in)  (V3.x)

K0175HB Integrator 30 Allen-Bradley PLC's SW Pkg (3.5 in)  (V3.x)

K0175HC Integrator 30 For Modicon PLC's SW Pkg (3.5 in)  (V3.x)

K0175HD INT30 SW Pkg (V3.x) - Basic ASCII (3.5 in)

K0175HJ Statistical Process Control 50 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175HK System Configuration 50 3.5 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175HT SPECTRUM I/F Processor Redundant SW 50 Pkg

K0175HU Workstation Processor 20 (WP20) SW 50 Pkg

K0175HV Workstation Processor 30 (WP30) SW 50 Pkg

K0175HW Loadable Document 50 SW Pkg

K0175HX Report Writer 50 SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0175JA 50 Series Boot Tape

K0175JD Control Processor 10 SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175JL Control Processor 30 SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175JQ AB Data Highway Redundant SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175JR AB Data Highway Gateway SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175JU Modicon Gateway SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175JZ Instrument Gateway 10 SW Pkg (V6.1)

K0175KB SPECTRUM Interface Processor SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175KC SPECTRUM I/F Processor (Redundant) SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175KE Info Network Interface 15 SW Pkg (V6.1)

K0175KF INTERSPEC Integrator 30 SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175KG Integrator 30 For AB PLC SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175KH Integrator 30 For MG PC SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175LH Control Processor 40 SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175LJ Modbus Plus Integrator SW Pkg (V6.2)

K0175LK Modbus+ Integrator (Redundant) SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0175MP Control Processor 10 SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175MW Control Processor 30 SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175NB AB Data Highway Gateway, Redundant SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175NC AB Data Highway Gateway SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175NE Modicon Gateway SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175NK Instrument Gateway 10 SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175NM SPECTRUM Interface Processor SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175NN SPECTRUM I/F Processor Redundant SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175NQ Inbation Network Interface 15 SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175NR INTERSPEC Integrator 30 SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175NS Integrator 30 For AB PLC SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175NT Integrator 30 For MG PLC SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175PT Control Processor 40 SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175PU Modbus Plus Integrator SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175PV Modbus Plus Integrator, Redundant SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175RF SPECTRUM Slave Gateway SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175RG Display Processor 10 SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175RH Tank Processor 10 SW Pkg (V4.3)

K0175RJ SPECTRUM Slave Gateway SW Pkg (V6.1)

K0175RK Panel Display Processor 10 SW 50 Pkg (V6.1)

K0175RL Tank Processor 10 SW Pkg (V6.1)

K0175SP Control Processor 60 SW Pkg V6.2

K0175TC Micro I/A Station SW Pkg V6.2

K0175VQ FoxCAE V5.0 SW Media Kit

K0175ZC PACTware Field Device Tool 1.2

K0200AA AP10 V3.0 Upgrade Lic

K0200AB AP20 V3.0 Upgrade Lic

K0200AC AP10 V3.0 Day 0 Streaming Tape

K0200AD AP20 V3.0 Day 0 Streaming Tape

K0200AE AP10 Backup/Restore Diskette

K0200AY 761 Series Configurator SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0200BA AB Data Highway Gateway, Redundant SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0200BF AP20 Backup/Restore Diskette

K0200BH Analogic FBM Configuration SW Pkg ( 3.5 in)

K0200BJ Analogic FBM Configuration SW Pkg (5.25 in)

K0200BL AP10/AP20 Release Update Diskette

K0200BM PW Release Update Diskette


K0200CM Remote Alarm Message Dispatch SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0200CN Remote Alarm Message SerVSW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0200CV Display Utilities SW Pkg  (V3.x)

K0200DD AP20 V4.0 Application SW Tape Media

K0200DE 50 Series/Model 50 V4.0 Appl SW CDROM Media

K0200DF 50 Series/Model 51 V4.0  Appl SW CDROM Media

K0200DM Report Writer 20 SW Pkg Version 3.0

K0200DN Personal Workstation -PW SW Pkg

K0200DP PW-C Maint Release SW Pkg

K0200DQ PW-FB Maint Release SW Pkg

K0200DR PW-NB Maint Release SW Pkg

K0200EW FoxGuard Manager SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200EX SPECTRUM Migration Expert SW

K0200FF FoxCAD Upgrade Kit For FoxCAE Users (1 User)

K0200FG FoxCAD Upgrade Kit For FoxCAE Users (3 User)

K0200FH FoxCAD Upgrade Kit For FoxCAE Users (10 User)

K0200FJ FoxCAD Upgrade Kit For FoxCAE Users (20 User)

K0200FK FoxCAD Upgrade Kit For FoxCAE Users (50 User)

K0200FL FoxCAE Interface Utility

K0200FM FoxProductivity (1 User)

K0200FN FoxProductivity (3 User)

K0200FP FoxProductivity (10 User)

K0200FQ FoxProductivity (20 User)

K0200FR FoxProductivity (50 User)

K0200FU 50 Series Style E V4.x SW Distribution Media

K0200FV 70 Series SW Media Kit Nodebus (Up To6.1.2)

K0200FW 51 Series SW Media Kit Nodebus (Up To6.1.2)

K0200GN Display Processor 10 SW Pkg

K0200GZ FoxDoc Release Notes CD-ROM

K0200HA AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For Max I/O Blocks

K0200HB AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For 256 I/O Blocks

K0200HC AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For 128 I/O Blocks

K0200HD AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For 64 I/O Blocks

K0200HE AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For Max Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0200HF AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For 256 Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0200HG AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For 128 Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0200HH AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For 64 Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0200HJ AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For Max Sequence Blks

K0200HK AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For 256 Sequence Blks

K0200HL AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For 128 Sequence Blks

K0200HM AW70 Integrator SW Pkg For 64 Sequence Blks

K0200HN WP70 SW Pkg For Maximum Blocks

K0200HP WP70 SW Pkg For 256 Blocks

K0200HQ WP70 SW Pkg for 128 Blocks

K0200HR WP70 SW Pkg For 64 Blocks

K0200HS WP70 DM SW Pkg - 5 Graphic Displays

K0200HT I/A Fieldbus I/O Driver SW Pkg For AW70 Integrator

K0200HU A-B DH+ I/O Driver SW Pkg For AW70 Integrator

K0200HV A-B Enet I/O Driver SW Pkg For AW70 Integrator

K0200HW MODBUS I/O Driver SW Pkg For AW70 Integrator

K0200HX FoxBatch Lite SW Pkg For AW51 Integrator

K0200HY AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For Max I/O Blocks

K0200HZ AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For 256 I/O Blocks

K0200JA AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For 128 I/O Blocks

K0200JB AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For 64 I/O Blocks

K0200JC AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For Max Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0200JD AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For 256 Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0200JE AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For 128 Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0200JF AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For 64 Reg Ctrl Blocks

K0200JG AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For Max Sequence Blocks

K0200JH AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For 256 Sequence Blocks

K0200JJ AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For 128 Sequence Blocks

K0200JK AW51 Integrator SW Pkg For 64 Sequence Blocks

K0200JL A-B Ethernet I/O Driver SW Pkg For AW51

K0200JM Historian 200 SW Lic For 51 Series (Solaris)

K0200JN Historian 200 SW Pkg For 51 Series (Solaris)

K0200JP Historian 200 SW Lic For 70 Series (NT)

K0200JQ Historian 200 SW Pkg For 70 Series (NT)

K0200JR Historian 500 SW Lic For 70 Series (NT)

K0200JS Historian 500 SW Pkg For 70 Series (NT)

K0200JT Historian 1000 SW Lic For 70 Series (NT)

K0200JU Historian 1000 SW Pkg For 70 Series (NT)

K0200JX FoxPanels Annunciator SW Lic-Runtime

K0200JY FoxPanels Annunciator SW Pkg-Runtime

K0200KD I/A Fieldbus I/O Driver SW Pkg For AW51 Integrator

K0200KE Modbus I/O Driver SW Pkg For AW51 Integrator

K0200KF I/A Fieldbus I/O Driver SW Lic For AW51 Integrator

K0200KG Modbus I/O Driver SW Lic For AW51

K0200KQ FoxAnalyst SW Pkg

K0200KW Modbus+ Integrator (Redundant) SW Pkg

K0200LA In-Line Blender Application Guide

K0200LB In-Line Blender Application Guide

K0200LC Retort Application Guide

K0200LE Fermenter Application Guide

K0200LG Filter Backwash Application Guide

K0200LJ Polymer Batch Application Guide

K0200LR I/A Series FoxSCADA (Non-Redundant) SW Pkg

K0200LS FoxCAE V4.2 SW Media Kit

K0200LT I/A Series FoxSCADA (Redundant) SW Pkg


K0200MB AW70 SW Media Kit For Ethernet (V6.1.x)

K0200MC WP70 SW Media Dist Kit (V6.x)

K0200MD 51 Series SW Media Kit For Ethernet (V6.1.x)

K0200ME AP20 SW Media Dist Kit (V6.x)

K0200MF PW SW Media Dist Kit (V6.x)

K0200MG System Configurator SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MH A-B Data Highway Redundant SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MJ A-B Data Highway Gateway SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MK Tank Processor 10 SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200ML Foreign Device Gateway SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MM SDP Single Processor SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MN SDP Dual Processor SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MP Instrument Gateway 10 SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MQ SPECTRUM I/F Processor SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MR SPECTRUM I/F Proc (Redundant) SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MS Info Network I/F 15 SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MT 760 Series Configurator SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MU 761 Series Configurator SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MV INTERSPEC Integrator 30 SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MW Integrator 30 For A-B PLC SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MX Integrator 30 For MG PC SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MY Device Integrator 30 SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200MZ System Configurator (Solaris) SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200NA C Math Library (Solaris) Media

K0200NB A-B Station SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200NC Analyzer Mgt Station Server SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200ND Analyzer Mgt Station Console SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200NE FORTRAN Math Library (Solaris) SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200NF Control Processor 40 SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200NG Modbus Plus Integrator SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200NH X-Terminal Hosting SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200NK MICRO-I/A SW Pkg 100 FoxBlock V6.0

K0200NM MICRO-I/A SW Pkg 500 FoxBlock V6.0

K0200NN MICRO-I/A SW Pkg, Unrestricted FoxBlock V6.0

K0200NR Modicon Gateway SW Pkg (V6.x)

K0200NS SDP Configurator SW Lic & Pkg (V6.x)

K0200NX FoxDraw Stand Alone SW Pkg

K0200NZ I/A Series PSS PDF Format

K0200PA FoxProductivity-PRO (1 User)

K0200PB FoxProductivity-PRO (3 User)

K0200PC FoxProductivity-PRO (10 User)

K0200PD FoxProductivity-PRO (20 User)

K0200PE FoxProductivity-PRO (50 User)

K0200RD Model 51 Nodebus V4.3 Media Dist Kit

K0200RL SysDef Software V2.x

K0200RM I/A Series IFDC V2.2 Media (UNIX)

K0200RN I/A Series IFDC V2.2 Media (Windows NT)

K0200RS Application Object Services For ACCP

K0200RV 51 Series Media Nodebus Dist Kit V6.2

K0200RW 51 Series Media Ethernet Dist Kit V6.2

K0200RX 70 Series Media Nodebus Dist Kit V6.2

K0200RY 70 Series Media Ethernet Dist Kit V6.2

K0200SE Control Processor 30B SW Pkg V6.2

K0200SF Control Processor 40B SW Pkg V6.2

K0200SY GW30 Supplementary SW Kit

K0200TH Control Processor 60 (CP60) SW Pkg V6.3

K0200UB Server 70 Media Nodebus Disk Kit V6.2

K0200UC Server 70 Media Ethernet Dist Kit V6.2

K0200UG 51 Series Media Nodebus Disk Kit 6.3

K0200UH 51 Series Media Ethernet Disk Kit 6.3

K0200UJ 70 Series Media Nodebus Disk Kit 6.3

K0200UK 70 Series Media Ethernet Disk Kit 6.3

K0200UW I/A Series Nodebus SW For Windows Media Kit

K0200UX I/A Series Ethernet SW For Windows Media Kit

K0200VE Micro-I/A Type 1 Station SW Media Kit (V6.2.1)

K0200VS IACC V2.0 Media Kit

K0200VT IACC V2.0 Printed Documentation

K0200VU I/A Series Base Workstation Suite / UNIX / Nodebus

K0200VV I/A Series Base Workstation Suite/ UNIX / Ethernet

K0200VW I/A Series Base Workstation Suite / NT / Nodebus

K0200VX I/A Series Base Workstation Suite/ NT / Ethernet

K0200WA I/A Series Base Workstation Suite / UNIX Ver 6.5

K0200WD IFDC V2.3 Windows Media Kit

K0200WE IFDC V2.3 Solaris Media Kit

K0200WF V7.x P79/80 WS Redundant Network Solaris Media

K0200WG V7.x P79/80 WS Non-Redundant Network Solaris Media

K0200WH V7.x P92 WS Redundant Network Windows XP Media

K0200WJ Device Type Managers For HART By CodeWrights GMBH

K0200WK V7.x P92 WS Non-Redundant Network Windows XP Media

K0200WL Compiler (Solaris) Collection Media Kit & Lic V7.x

K0200WM Compiler (Solaris) Upgrade Media Kit & Lic V7.x

K0200WQ I/A Series Base Workstation Suite / NT Ver 6.5

K0200WT FoxSFC Version 1.x for Windows XP and NT

K0200WU FoxSFC Ver 1.1 For SUN Solaris2.5.1& Solaris 2.8

K0200WV Media Kit For I/A Series Ver A FDT Components

K0200XC I/A Series Base Workstation Suite V7.1 Solaris

K0200XD I/A Series Base Workstation Suite V7.1 Windows XP

K0200XF I/A Series A2  Alarm Integ. To FS A2 V1.x MediaKit

K0200XW Media Kit For I/A Series VerA DD Explorer

K0200XY V8.x Windows XP Media Kit

K0200YD I/A Series V8.x Media Kit For Workstation Server

K0200YF McAfee Virus Scan

K0200YG Windows Server 2003 OS

K0200YL Media Kit V1.0 Field Device Manager Control Room

K0200YM V1.0 Field Device Manager for Instrument Workshop

K0200YN PACTware FDT Frame Application

K0200YP Device Type Managers For HART By CodeWrights GMBH

K0200YQ Media Kit For I/A Series FDT Components

K0200YT V8.x Windows XP & Windows Server 2003 Media Kit

K0201AA FoxSFC Version 2.x for Windows XP

K0201AB I/A Series IFDC V3.0 Media (Windows)

K0201AP I/A Series V 8.3 for Solaris™ 10 OS Media Kit

K0201AV PACTware FDT Frame Application

K0201AW Device Type Managers for HART by CodeWrights GMBH

K0201AX Media Kit for I/A Series FDT Components

K0201BB Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery for P90/P91

K0201BC Symantec Backup Exec System Recovery for P92*C &up

K0201BG InFusion Profibus Software Media Kit


L0120VB Color Monitor 120

L0120VC Color Monitor 220

L0120VD Processor

L0120VM Cable Floppy Drive

L0120VN Cable Set

L0120VP Keyboard Cable

L0120VQ Pwr Cable

L0120VT 70Mb Hard Disk Kit

L0120VZ PC Nodebus Connection

L0122VB SPEC 200 Analogy Power Supply, 120 Vac, 5A

L0122VC SPEC 200 Analogy Power Supply, 220 Vac, 5A

L0122VD SPEC 200 Analogy Power Supply, 240 Vac, 5A

L0122VE SPEC 200 Analogy Power Supply, 100 Vac, 5A

L0122VF SPEC 200 Analogy Power Supply, 120 Vac, 15A

L0122VG SPEC 200 Analogy Power Supply, 220/240 Vac, 15A

L0122VJ SPEC 200 Digital Power Supply, 120 Vac

L0122VK SPEC 200 Digital Power Supply, 220/240 Vac

L0122VM MICROSPEC Power Supply, 120 Vac

L0122VN MICROSPEC Power Supply, 220/240 Vac

L0133VN MICROSPEC Power Supply, 220/240 Vac

MS-KIT-C-500A Videoamp-A, 120 V

MS-KIT-C-500B Videoamp-B, 220 V

NMR I/A Series NMR Instrument System

OAPA I.A Series Open Application Platb

OAPB I/A Series Open Application Platb

OISA I/A Series Open Inbation Server

OISB I/A Series Open Inbation Server


P0151HD Connector, Coax

P0151JS Pin-Entry Adaptor

P0151RC Terminator

P0151WW Terminator

P0156KD 3.15A 250 Vac Fuse - Bussmann

P0156KM 3.15A 250 Vac Fuse - Schurter

P0170NH Power Cable (120 Vac), 2 Ft

P0170NS Power Cable (120 Vac), 4 Ft

P0170NX 50 Series SCSI Cable, 58 Inches

P0170NY Video Cable, 8 Ft

P0170PC Power Cable (240 Vac), 2 Ft

P0170PD Power Cable (240 Vac), 4 Ft

P0170PE Power Cable (240 Vac), 6 Ft

P0170PL Power Cable (120 Vac), 6 Ft

P0170SR Power Cord, ac

P0170TF ac Power Cord, 7 Ft, NEMA-15 (Male) To IEC (F)

P0176RU RG-11 Connector

P0176RV Pin-Entry Connector

P0176RW Female Adaptor


P0176UC Extension Cable Coupler

P0176VT Male-Male Adaptor

P0176VU Bulkhead Adaptor

P0178KS BNC Terminator

P020000000 Pedestal Enclosure 8

P0300 Field Enclosure 8

P04 Industrial Enclosure 16 (IE16)

P0400 Industrial Enclosure 16 (IE16)

P0400BA 2 x 8 Cell Bus Assembly

P0400BL Industrial Pwr Mod 1, 120 To 240 Vac

P0400BV Input Power Bus

P0400CB Input Power Bus

P0400CF Imtermediate Power Bus

P0400CL Intermediate Power Bus

P0400CV FT Module Connector (2 Slot)

P0400DA FBM01 0-20 mA Input

P0400DL Y-Adapter

P0400EA Application Processor 10 (AP10)

P0400FC 2 x 4 Cell Bus Assembly

P0400HH FBM01/43 Term Cable, Wire

P0400HJ Industrial Pwr Mod 7, 120-240 Vac (Fan)

P0400QA Interface Section (Module Keyboard)

P0400QB Alphanumeric Keyboard

P0400QC 13-Inch Workstation Display (Tabletop)

P0400QG Single Floppy Disk Drive

P0400QH 20 Mb Hard Disk

P0400QJ 80 Mb Hard Disk Drive (SCSI)

P0400QK Streamer Tape Drive (SCSI)

P0400QL Dual Floppy Disk Drive (SCSI)

P0400QS 200 Mb Hard Disk Drive (SCSI)

P0400QU 19-Inch Workstation Display (Tabletop)

P0400QV 13-Inch Workstation Display w/TS (Tabletop)

P0400QW 19-Inch Workstation Display  w/TS (Tabletop)

P0400QX Streamer Tape Drive (SCSI), Pedestal Mounted

P0400VE Fieldbus Isolator

P0400VP Communication Processor 10

P0400VQ Workstation Processor 10 (WP10)

P0400VR Control Processor 10 (CP10)

P0400VS SPECTRUM Slave Gateway

P0400VT Application Processor 20 (AP20)

P0400VU Workstation Processor 20 (WP20)

P0400YC FBM02 Thermocouple/mV Input

P0400YD FBM03 RTD Input

P0400YE FBM04 0-20 mA Input/Output

P0400YF FBM05 0-20 mA Redundant Input/Output

P0400YG FBM06 Pulse Input, 0-20 mA Output


P0400YJ FBM08 120 Vac Input

P0400YK FBM09 Contact/dc I/O

P0400YL FBM10 120 Vac I/O

P0400YM FBM11 240 Vac I/O


P0400YP FBM13 120 Vac Input Expander

P0400YQ FBM14 Contact/dc I/O Expander

P0400YR FBM15 120 Vac I/O Expander

P0400YS FBM16 240 Vac I/O Expander

P0400YT FBM17 0-10 Vdc, Contact/dc I/O

P0400YV FBM18 Inbligent Transmitter I/O

P0400ZA Industrial Pwr Mod 2 - 120 To 240 Vac, 100ms

P0400ZB Industrial Pwr Mod 3 - Backup Power

P0400ZC Industrial Pwr Mod 4 - 24 Vdc

P0400ZD Industrial Pwr Mod 5 - 125 Vdc

P0400ZE Industrial Pwr Mod 6 - Backup OrBatteryPower


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