磁 浮 球 液 位 计
Magnetic floating ball fluid level gauge
一、产品简介 Product introduce
FY-UQZ磁浮球液位计,是将电阻信号转变为4~20mA的连续电流信号,通过电缆连接到二次显示仪表或控制室内,以便集中指示和观察。产品由本体、浮子、法兰盘或螺纹以及液位变送器等组成。可广泛应用于石油、化工、橡胶、医药、船舶、电力、食品、水处理等行业的各种塔、罐、槽、球形容器和锅炉等设备作介质液面的位置指示和自动控制. FY-UQZ Magnetic floating ball fluid level gauge can convert the resistance signal into continuous current signal in 4~20mA, connecting with the second display instrument or control room via cable, in order to make the concentrated instructions and observations accordingly. The product consists of the body, floating ball, flange plate or screw thread and fluid level transducer etc; can be widely applied for the content indication and automatic control on the medium fluid level inside the equipments such as various towers, tankers, grooves, peripheral containers and boilers among the industries of petroleum, chemical industry, rubber, pharmaceuticals, vessel and shipping, military, electricity, food and water process etc.
FY-UQZ浮球液位计由浮球、插杆等组成,通过连接法兰安装于容器顶上,浮球根据排开液体体积相等等原理浮于液面,当容器的液位变化时浮球也随着上下移动,由于磁性作用,浮球液位计的干簧受磁性吸合,把液面位置变化成电信号,通过显示仪表用数字显示液体的实际位置,浮球液位计从而达到液面的远距离检测和控制。 The FY-UQZ floating ball fluid level gauge consists of floating ball and inserted b, fixed on the top of container with connecting flange, the floating ball shall keep on the surface of fluid according to the principle that the displaced fluid volume shall be the same as the ball etc, while the fluid level is changing, the floating ball shall also lift or drop accordingly; because of the magnetic effect, the dry reed of floating ball fluid level gauge shall be attracted by the magnetism to transb the b changes into electric signal, to show the actual fluid level in figure through the display instrument, then the magnetic floating ball fluid level gauge shall achieve the target for remote measurement and control on the fluid level.
二、产品特点 Product features
1.测量范围可根据用户的实际要求制作(2M以上需要定制);The measuring range can be made upon user’s requirements (for those size larger than
2M need to be customized.)
2.指示机构与被测介质完全隔离,密封性好,使用安全;The indication system is
isolated from the measured medium compleby, it has the good sealing property
and safety in use.
3.多种材质可以选择,适合多种场合使用;Many materials available,
and can be used in many different circumstances.
4.性能稳定可靠,抗干扰能力强;It has the stable and
reliable perbance with strong capacity of resisting disturbance.
三、技术参数 Technical specifications
1. Measuring range 测量范围:0~15000mm;
2. Supply voltage 供电电压:24VDC;
3. Output signal 输出信号:double-wire system两线制4~20mA DC;
4. Measuring accuracy 测量精度:±10mm;
5. Environmental temperature 环境温度:-40~60℃;
6. Working temperature 工作温度:-20~80℃;
7. Nominal pressure 公称压力:≤1.6MPa;