Stefan Mayer磁场传感器FLC3-70-HT技术参数
磁场传感器 FLC3-70-HT 是一款三轴微型磁通门磁力计,用于测量高达 200 µT 的弱磁场。 该传感器可用于传统磁场传感器(霍尔或 MR 传感器)的灵敏度和稳定性太低的任何应用中,例如用于测量地球磁场(用于导航或磁层研究)。
FLC3-70-HT 是一款完整的三轴磁通门磁力计。 模拟输出电压与磁场的三个分量 X、Y 和 Z 成比例。
由于其 4.8 V 至 12 V 的单电源电压和低电流消耗,它是电池供电或 µP 控制应用的理想选择。
FLC3-70-HT 是标准 FLC3-70 传感器的高温版本。 它可以在高达 175°C 的温度下运行,适用于深钻和太空应用。
The magnetic field sensor FLC3-70-HT is a triaxial miniature fluxgate magnetometer for the measurement of weak magnetic fields up to 200 µT. This sensor can be used in any application where the sensitivity and stability of conventional magnetic field sensors (Hall or MR sensors) is too low, e. g. for the measurement of the earth’s magnetic field (for navigation or magnetospheric research).
The FLC3-70-HT is a complete three axis fluxgate magnetometer. The analog output voltages are proportional to the three components X, Y and Z of the magnetic field.
Due to its single supply voltage of 4.8 V to 12 V and low current consumption it is the ideal choice for battery powered or µP controlled applications.
The FLC3-70-HT is a high temperature version of the standard FLC3-70 sensor. It can be operated at temperatures up to 175 ◦C and is suitable for deep drilling and space applications.
Stefan Mayer磁场传感器其他常用型号:
Stefan Mayer FLC3-70-HT

Stefan Mayer Magnetic Field Sensor NEW + ORIGINAL+ ONE YEAR WARRANTY
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Stefan Mayer磁场传感器FLC3-70-HT技术参数及介绍