
Since day one, B.B. Battery has been bed as a professional Lead-Acid battery manufacturer, locating in China and aiming to b market. Products and markets are targeted for diversified applications, ie. Telecommunication, UPS, Electrical power equipment, Marine, Electric bicycle, Electrical motorcycle, Energy storage system, Solar power, Wheel chair, Golf cart, Power tool, Emergency lighting, etc.
With 20 years continuous efforts, in Pan-Asia, Europe, America and Africa, we have successfully established sales channels with strong partnership as well as world-classed OEM clients. The increasing sales amount and quantity demonstrate the healthy escalating growth.
The second production site was founded in Changsha/ China in 2006, where produces full range of AGM and Trb batteries. B.B. Battery commits on China market through its new facilities, determines to deliver the most advanced Lead-Acid battery into this huge emerging market.
B.B. Battery is committed to the VRLA industry’s standards of exceptional quality and reliability. Where we set ourselves apart is in our combination of innovative and time-tested approaches to customer care, product development, and b marketing.
We offer all of the advantages of working with a well-established corporation as well as the personalized attention that you deserve. As our valued customer, you will always be top priority to us.
The long-term commitment of B.B. Battery to the VRLA industry is the reason that we have invested and continue to invest in high tech machinery, intensive R&D and application specific product lines. It is our intention to produce “stationary” power for a rapidly evolving world while maintaining the basics that made us what we are today. Thank you for your solid partnership with B.B. Battery and for being the driving force behind our success.
In today's marketplace, customers have become much more discerning and are well educated than ever before. Through understanding the specific needs of customers, B.B. Battery would promise on cost-effective design, highly reliable productivity and quality consistency through non-stop enhancement efforts.
3月2日发布的一份基于英国碳信托有限公司(Carbon Trust)以及帝国理工学院(Imperial College London)分析的报告显示,如果英国电力系统市场规章允许利用储能技术,那么直到2030年英国可以节省数十亿美元。
英国碳信托有限公司的创新主任Andrew Lever在一份声明中指出,能源储存长期以来一直被视为英国低碳能能源行业的灵丹妙药,英国通过以该技术提供一套服务来平衡能源系统,使电力网络更有效率并帮助英国在成本情况下,实现碳排放目标。
BB蓄电池 全国代理经销商 供应安徽 | 北京 | 福建 | 甘肃 | 广东 | 广西 | 贵州 | 海南 | 河北 | 河南 | 黑龙江 | 湖北 | 湖南 | 吉林 | 江苏 | 江西 | 辽宁 | 内蒙古 | 宁夏 | 青海 | 山东 | 山西 | 陕西 | 上海 | 四川 | 天津 | 西藏 | 新疆 | 云南 | 浙江 | 重庆 | 香港 | 澳门 | 台湾
美美电池有限公司系台商独资企业, 92年10月注册登记, 投资总额3000万美元, 占地面积80亩, 建筑面积60000平方米. 96年正式投产, 当年出口产值400万美元, 97年出口产值626万美元, 98年出口产值1460万美元。
公司全部采用国外进口之新生产设备及检测仪器, 生产各种类型之密闭式免维护铅酸蓄电池. 年产量达4200万AH以上. 已先后通过美国UL检验, 德国VDS产品安全认证﹐土耳其TSE质量认可。
公司于1996年10月份获得DNV的ISO 9002质量体系认证, 又在1998年12月获得ISO 9001质量体系认证, 2001获得ISO14000环境体系认证。产品畅销欧美,东南亚等许多及地区。