
数量(台) 价格
1 110000元/台
  • 供货总量: 电议
  • 最小起订: 1台
  • 发货地址: 上海奉贤区
  • 付款方式: 面议
  • 发布日期:2019-01-11
  • 访问量:1028


实名认证 企业认证
  • 联系人:高艳
  • 手机:18717852850
  • 电话:021-57562910
  • 营业执照:已审核 营业执照
  • 经营模式: 生产加工-私营有限责任公司
  • 所在地区:上海 奉贤区
  • 家家通积分:360分
品牌 上海品星防爆电机有限公司 规格型号 YKK-500-2-10000KW-6KV
编号 011 计量单位 1台
付款方式 面议 参考价格 110000
价格单位 人民币 供货量 不限
说明书,报价手册及驱动 暂无相关下载 其他资料下载 暂无相关下载
产地 上海奉贤区 发货地 上海奉贤区




    YKK series Middle-Size high-voltage three phase asynchronous electric motor is the new products developed by our company,which has good properties,such as reasonable construction,advance technology,high efficiency,energy-saving,low noise and vibration,reliable perbance,convenient for installation and maintenance.

该系列电动机的功率等级,安装尺寸,电气性能均符合国家标准GB755-2000《旋转电机额定和性能》,机械行业标准JB/T10315.2 及有关的IEC 标准.

The power classification,mounting dimension and electric perbance conb to national standard GB755-2000,JB/T10315.2 and the IEC standard.


The basic arrangement code of the electric motors is the horizontal foot mounting(IMB3).The duty of the electric is continuous (S1).

结构说明(Construction introduction)


The motors adopt the box-type construction,the frame is welded together with steel plates,which is with light weight and good stiffness.On the top of the motor frame is the enclose air-to-air cooler,which is easy to mount,disassemble.maintain and repair.With press construction of stator,the insulation class F materials of winding,reliably tied-fixed at the end of the winding,several impulse voltage tests on turn-to-turn and high voltage tests to earth during production and advance varnish technology of the vacuum pressing impregnation (VPI),the motors have perfect and reliable insulation perbance,good mechanical stress and good resistance of humidity.The rotor cage is manufactured with the advanced technology of casting aluminum.There are two kinds of bearing arrangements,one is the ball bearing,the other is roller bearing,which is decided by the output power and speed.The basical protection class is IP44.IP54 motors can be supplied according to customer order requirements.

型号含义(Model specification:

             Y     KK      400      1  -   4


                                               铁心长代号 (Core Length Code)

                                                     电机中心高Central Height 400mm

                                                             冷却结构(KK为空-空冷却)(KK-Air-Air cooling)

                                                  异步电动机 (Asynchronous Motor)

使用条件(Work conditions)

电压:6KV,10KV                Rated voltage:6Kv or 10Kv

功率:200KW~3150KW         Output power:200Kw~3150Kw

极数:2,4,6,8,10,12             Poles:2,4,6,8,10,12 

防护等级:IP54/IP55            Protection class:IP54/IP55

绝缘/温升等级:F/B ,H/B      Insulation class:F,H  temperature rise B

海拔不超过1000m            Altitude:Not exceed 1000m meters

频率:50Hz                   Rated frequency:50Hz

工作制:S1连续工作制         Duty:continuous(S1)

环境温度:-15~+40        Ambient temperature:-15℃~+40℃


If other special request please contact us



The electric motors are used for driving different machines,such as compressors,water pumps,cracking machines,cutting machines,transporting machines and other equipment,Its also could be used as primitive drivers to drive blowers ,grinding coal,rolling mills and windlasses in mine,mechanical industry,petroleum&chemistry industry,power plant and so on.The uses and technical requirements should be marked bly when order motors,the special design can be adopted to ensure the reliable perbance.This series motors also can design into increase safe type ,used for place have explosive gas.


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