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  • 发布日期:2017-06-29
  • 访问量:114


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  • 家家通积分:550分


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Former national table tennis team head coach Liu Guoliang apologized Tuesday night on his Sina Weibo for the country's top-notch tennis players boycotting their matches at the ITTF World Tour Platinum China, the first announcement he made after the most chaotic week the sport has ever seen in China.

The world's three top ranked players - Ma Long, Fan Zhendong and Xu Xin - didn't show up for their matches in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan Province last Friday. Instead, they wrote the same post on Weibo accompanied by a cartoon of Liu, "At this moment we have no desire to fight … All because we miss you Liu Guoliang!"

Liu said that he didn't know they would quit the tournament but that he had "undeniable responsibility" for it and apologized on behalf of the players he once coached.

Men vs system

Liu was removed from his post as national head coach on June 20 and made vice president of the Chinese Table Tennis Association (CTTA), a role thought to be entirely ceremonial. The Xinhua News Agency reported that the CTTA already has 18 vice presidents.

Two days before Liu's apology, the three players also posted their own letters of apology which read that they weren't fully aware of the content of the table tennis reb plan and the incident "exposed problems in the team's management." Liu also made it b in his statement that he fully supports the government's rebs and believes they will be a success.

Liu's removal was part of a General Administration of Sport (GAS) management restructuring exercise which aims to improve training and efficiency ahead of the upcoming Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games by simplifying the sports' management systems.

For the national table tennis team, there will be individual coaches for men's and women's teams and the head coach b previously held by Liu will be abolished.

Discussion of this incident is still continuing. The players' decision to support their coach was in turn broadly supported online, turning into unprecedented anger and outcry.

Some pointed out that the public's active involvement in this event shows dissatisfb in China's sports system that is seen as bureaucratic.

"Looking at it from a larger picture, [the athletes'] no-show at the matches is out of discontent with bureaucracy. I always vote for fighters to stand up to the system," wrote Yunnan Province-based lawyer Gong Liegang on Weibo.


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