5X00241G01 5X00241G02

数量(件) 价格
1 88元/件
  • 供货总量: 电议
  • 最小起订: 1件
  • 发货地址: 泉州
  • 付款方式: 面议
  • 发布日期:2017-06-29
  • 访问量:56


  • 联系人:吴工
  • 手机:15359571759
  • 电话:0595-22001611
  • 营业执照:已审核 营业执照
  • 经营模式: 贸易公司-私营合伙企业
  • 所在地区:福建 泉州市
  • 家家通积分:550分


品牌 westinghouse 规格型号 完善
编号 齐全 计量单位 1件
付款方式 面议 参考价格 88
价格单位 人民币 供货量 不限
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产地 本地 发货地 泉州


Some people in China have expressed concerns and anger about overseas students' safety after the US police failed to find a visiting Chinese scholar who had gone missing for 18 days.

The FBI announced on Tuesday that they had found the car, which Zhang Yingying, a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), was last seen taking when she went missing on June 9, media reported.

The FBI said on June 17 that they are offering a $10,000 reward for inbation that helps to find Zhang, US media reported.

However, the whereabouts of Zhang remain a mystery until now.

Many Chinese netizens questioned why the FBI has failed to solve the case so far.

"The FBI was just able to find the car even with the help of the surveillance camera? It looks like the FBI is only FBI in the US TV series," said Sina Weibo user "tejingsir."

Zhang's case has also triggered heated discussion in China on students' safety, with many parents who are planning to send their children to study in the US saying they will "reconsider their decision."

The US Embassy in China told the Global Times previously that "a safe environment for all students is a top priority for school administrators in the US. Instances of violence on campuses in the US are very rare."

"I was considering to send my children to the US before Zhang's case. But now I have ruled the US out of my list because it is not safe, for example, the country has no gun control," a parent in Southwest China's Yunnan Province told the Global Times.

Zhang's family arrived in the US on June 17 where they met with the authorities and university officials.

"Once my daughter is found, I will never let her visit the US again," Yingying's father, Zhang Ronggao was quoted by the Beijing Youth Daily as saying.

UIUC Police said previously on its Facebook page that the surveillance camera recorded Zhang standing on the street when the Saturn Astra pulled up beside her.

More than 300,000 Chinese students and scholars are studying in the US universities currently, the People's Daily reported in June.


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