转子圆周线速度(m/s):Vu=π�d�n/60 剪切速率(1/s):Vs=Vs=Vu/ds
The main impact of dispersion bbbbbeters:
Rotor peripheral speed (m/s) : Vu =π�d�n/60 Shear rate (1/s) :Vs=Vs=Vu/ds
Unit of energy bbbbb = Energy/Total volume of bbbbb d = Rotor diameter(m)
n = Rotor speed(1/min)
ds = Rotor pitch(m)
-工作头的齿形结构(如粗齿、中齿、细齿、超细齿) -物料在分散腔的滞留时间、分散时间
Dispersion factors influence the results:
-bbbbs of work (batch or continuous)
-Working head of the shear rate
-Work head tooth structure (such as coarse teeth, the teeth, a fine-tooth, ultra-fine tooth)
-Residence time of the material in the dispersion chamber, the dispersion time
在乳液分散的过程中,分散机的线速度尤为重要,在一 定的线速度下,如果想得到更合适的粒径,其他的影响 因素与参数则会显得更重要。
In emulsion dispersion process, the line speed disperser is particularly important at a certain speed, If you want a more appropriate particle size, other factors and bbbbbeters will be even more important.
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