8320R 拖拉机8R系列拖拉机,配备迪尔9.0L PowerTech 发动机,马力强劲,扭矩储备高达44%。先进的PowerShift 变速箱,无需离合,随意换挡,带来更顺畅更轻便的操作。CommandView II 驾驶室,驾乘舒适,操控方便灵活。695 升超大油箱,可保证更久工作时长。4 阀液压输出,更多使用需求。大连约翰迪尔发动机喷油器多少钱
IMPORTANT: Keep matched pistons and liners together. Liners must be reinstalled in same cylinder bore.
4. Pull liners out of cylinder block with D01062AA, D01073AA, KCD10001 or JDG1145 Cylinder Liner Puller.
NOTE: If the KCD10001 Puller is used, secure puller with two cylinder head cap screws.
IMPORTANT: When using D01062AA (or D01073AA) Cylinder Liner Puller (B) to remove liners (A), be sure jaw (C) of puller is correctly itioned before attempting to remove liner. DO NOT over-tighten liner puller to remove liners. Doing so could easily break liners.
B—Cylinder Liner Puller
Upper Idler Gear Bushing ID 44.49—44.54 mm
(Two-Valve Head) (22 mm Wide (1.751-1.753 in.)
Upper Idler Gear Bushing ID 92.732—92.762 mm (3.6509—
(Four-Valve Head) 3.6520 in.)
Lower Idler Gear Bushing ID 44.489—44.539 mm (1.7515—
1.7535 in.)
Upper Idler Gear Shaft (Two-Valve OD 69.757—69.777 mm (2.7463—
Head) (30 mm Wide Gear) 2.7471 in.)
Upper Idler Gear Shaft (Two-Valve OD 44.43—44.46 mm
Head) (22 mm Wide Gear) (1.749-1.750 in.)
Upper Idler Gear Shaft (Four-Valve OD 92.687—92.707 mm (3.6491—
Head) 3.6499 in.)
Lower Idler Gear Shaft OD 44.437—44.463 mm (1.7495—
1.7505 in.)
Upper Idler Gear Bushing-to-Shaft Oil Clearance 0.075—0.125 mm (0.0030—0.0049
(Two-Valve Head) in.)
Upper Idler Gear Bushing-to-Shaft Oil Clearance 0.0025—0.075 mm (0.0010—0.0030
(Four-Valve Head) in.)
Lower and Upper Idler Shaft Spring Protrusion 2.79—4.83 mm (0.11—0.19 in.)
Oil Pump Gears Thickness 35.975—36.025 mm
(1.4163—1.4183 in.)
Oil Pump Gears Axial Clearance 0.045—0.165 mm
(0.0018—0.0065 in.)
Oil Pump Gears Radial Clearance 0.131—0.211 mm
(0.005—0.008 in.)
Oil Pump Drive Shaft OD 16.017—16.037 mm
(0.6306—0.6314 in.)
Oil Pump Bushing in Housing ID 16.052—16.102 mm
(12.316—12.332 in.)
Oil Pump Idler Shaft OD 12.316—12.332 mm
(0.4849—0.4855 in.)
Oil Pump Idler Gear ID 12.355—12.363 mm
(0.4864—0.4867 in.)
Oil Pump Drive Gear “Staked” Nut Torque 50 N?m (37 lb-ft)
Oil Pump-to-Front Plate and Oil Torque 35 N?m (26 lb-ft)
Pump Pick-Up Tube Cap Screws
Oil Pump Lower Idler Gear Cap Torque 70 N?m (53 lb-ft)
Screw (Lubricated Threads)
Oil Pan M8 Cap Screws Torque 35 N?m (26 lb-ft)
Oil Pan M10 Cap Screws up to 110 Torque 70 N?m (52 lb-ft)
Intake Valve ClearanceAdjustment (RockerArm-to-Bridge) (Engine Cold)—
Clearance ... 0.36 mm (0.014 in.)
Exhaust Valve Clearance
Adjustment (RockerArm-to-Bridge) (Engine Cold)—
Clearance ... 0.46 mm (0.018 in.)
Rocker Arm Adjusting Screw Jam
Nut—Torque .... 27 N?m (20 lb-ft)
6. Install rocker arm cover and crankcase ventilator tube.
The cylinder head and block must be flat to provide an
even clamping pressure over the entire surface of gasket,
and must he the proper surface finish to keep gasket
material from moving in the joint. Dowel pins (D) are used
to properly locate head gasket on block.
The cylinder liners must protrude evenly from top of
cylinder block the specified amount to provide adequate
clamping force on fire ring of each cylinder.
The cap screws must be proper length, made of proper
material, and be tightened to proper torque in order to
provide an adequate clamp load between other joint
Each of the above components contributes to the integrity
of the head gasket joint. If any of these components do
not conb to specifications, gasket joint may fail,
resulting in combustion leaks, coolant leaks, or oil leaks.大连约翰迪尔发动机喷油器多少钱经查未发现异常时,则可在卡特CAT发动机怠速运转情况下,用解锥端盖,解链中部某缸火花塞顶将该缸火花塞短路,如卡特CAT发动机转速有变化,说明该缸工作良好。如卡特CAT发动机转速没有变化,表明该缸不工作。
6 RE65908 BEARING 6 (OPTION 9900)RE65909 BEARING 6 US, 0254 MM (0010") (OPTION 9900)
8 5507 O-RING KIT 6 (OPTION 9900)
9 RE65969 PISTON-LINER KIT 6 -825562 (SUB RE505112) (OPTION
A—Turbocharger Oil Inlet and Oil Drain Lines
C—Rocker Arm Cover
D—Rocker Arm Cover Sealing Ring
John Deere约翰迪尔强鹿柴油机OEM发动机技术规格
General OEM Engine Specifications
Tier I Engines
4045DF150 4045TF150 4045TF250 4045HF150 6068DF150 6068TF150 6068TF250 6068HF150 6068HF250
Number of Cylinders 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6
Bore 106 mm 106 mm 106 mm 106 mm 106 mm 106 mm 106 mm 106 mm 106 mm
(4.19 in.) (4.19 in.) (4.19 in.) (4.19 in.) (4.19 in.) (4.19 in.) (4.19 in.) (4.19 in.) (4.19 in.)
Stroke 127 mm 127 mm 127 mm 127 mm 127 mm 127 mm 127 mm 127 mm 127 mm
(5.0 in.) (5.0 in.) (5.0 in.) (5.0 in.) (5.0 in.) (5.0 in.) (5.0 in.) (5.0 in.) (5.0 in.)
Displacement 4.5 L 4.5 L 4.5 L 4.5 L 6.8 L 6.8 L 6.8 L 6.8 L 6.8 L
(276 cu (276 cu (276 cu (276 cu (414 cu (414 cu (414 cu (414 cu (414 cu
in.) in.) in.) in.) in.) in.) in.) in.) in.)
Compression 17.6:1 17.0:1 17.0:1 17.0:1 17.6:1 17.0:1 17.0:1 17.0:1 17.0:1
Max. Crank Pressure 0.5 kPa 0.5 kPa 0.5 kPa 0.5 kPa 0.5 kPa 0.5 kPa 0.5 kPa 0.5 kPa 0.5 kPa
(2 H2O) (2 H2O) (2 H2O) (2 H2O) (2 H2O) (2 H2O) 2 H2O) (2 H2O) (2 H2O)
Governor Regulation 7—10 % 7—10 % 7—10 % 7—10 % 7—10 % 7—10 % 7—10 % 7—10 % 7—10 %
免费:400-100-8969 15967879821
配件销售: 0574-26865402
传 真:0574-26892499
地 址:宁波北仑小港联合路246-252号
网 址:www.rxdlkj.com
企 业 邮:nick@perkins-rx.com