
数量(吨) 价格
10000 3200.00元/吨
  • 最小起订: 1吨
  • 发货地址: 河北 沧州市
  • 发布日期:2018-09-10
  • 访问量:343


实名认证 企业认证
  • 联系人:高经理
  • 手机:13730570531
  • 电话:0317-6892123
  • 营业执照:已审核 营业执照
  • 经营模式: 生产加工-个体工商户
  • 所在地区:河北 沧州市
  • 家家通积分:80分




新浪新闻资讯,记者(杨编辑)获悉:?聚氨酯保温钢管【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?根据设计和客户的要求一般为:DN200以下选用无缝管,DN200以上选用螺旋焊管和直缝焊管。钢管表面经过先进的抛除锈工艺处理后,钢管除锈等级可达标准中的Sa2级,表面粗糙度可达GB6060.5标准中R=12.5微米。聚氨酯保温钢管【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?性能,通常情况下可耐温120℃通过改性或与其它隔热材料组合可耐温180℃  According to the requirements of design and customers, the polyurethane heat preservation pipe is generally seamless pipe under DN200, spiral welded pipe and straight welded pipe above DN200. After advanced rust removal process, the steel tube surface can reach the Sa2 grade in the standard, and the surface roughness can reach R=12.5 micron in the GB6060.5 standard. Property of polyurethane insulating steel pipes, usually resistant to 120 degrees C by modification or in combination with other insulation materials, resistant to 180 degrees C【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?

聚氨酯直埋保温管【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?保温性能好,热损失仅为传统管材的25%,长期运行可节约大量能源,显着降低能源成本。【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?
6、使用寿命可达30-50年。【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?管径:DN15—DN600厚度:15--50mm用途:集中供热管道、制冷管道、工业管道等。
Polyurethane buried heat preservation pipe has good thermal insulation perbance, heat loss is only 25% of the traditional pipe, long-term operation can save a lot of energy, significantly reducing energy costs.
2. It has strong waterproof and corrosion resistance. It can be directly buried in underground or water without pipe trench. The construction is simple and rapid, and the comprehensive cost is low.
3. It also has good corrosion resistance and impact resistance at low temperature and can be directly buried in underground frozen soil.
4, the service life can be up to 30-50 years. Proper installation and use can make the maintenance cost of the pipe network extremely low.
5. The alarm system can be set up to automatically detect the leakage fault of pipeline network, accuraby indicate the fault b and automatically alarm.
6, the service life can be up to 30-50 years. Diameter: DN15 - DN600 thickness: 15--50mm uses: central heating pipes, refrigeration pipes, industrial pipelines and so on.
7. Oxygen content index: > 27 density: 40-70 kg/cubic m hydrophobicity: 0.03 kg/cubic cm thermal conductivity: 0.022 kcal/m.h.
?【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?

它与传统的地沟敷设管道相比,具有保温性能好、施工安装简便占地面积少、工程造价低、施工周期短等优点,特别是在节能方面,以目前情况而言,是任何保温管道难以比拟的,据天津市节能技术服务中心测试报告指出:在直埋深度约为一米的管道里,每100米降温为0.1℃,每100米长的热损失率为2.07%,一般情况下一公里保温管道中,每年可节约省标准煤10.4吨。聚氨酯直埋保温管材料与其他保温材料保温性能之比较硬质聚氨酯泡沬塑料是一种性能良好的保温材料,泡孔呈闭孔结构,闭孔中的气体(氟里昂F11)导热系数(0.007W/m.K)极小,因此,聚氨酯直埋保温管材料的隔热性能低于几乎所的的其他保温材料,它与其他保温材料相比,达到同样的保温,绝热层厚度可以减小30-80%。高密度低压聚乙烯(HDPE)外护层聚氨酯直埋保温管概述HDPE外护层聚氨酯直埋保温管概述节能直埋保温管道由钢管、【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?防腐层、保温层、防腐抗压保护层组成,如果是超高温管道,则在保温层和防腐层中间再加一降温层。这些管道具有热损失少抗压性能强、防水防腐性能好等优点。使用寿命一般在40-50年左右,聚氨酯保温直埋管在国外一些发达国家已成为一项比较成熟的先进技术。近十几年,我国供热工程技术人员通过消化、吸收这项先进技术,正推动着国内管网敷设技术向更高的层次发展。十几年来的实践成果充分证明了聚氨酪保温直埋管敷设方式与传统的地沟及架空敷设相比,具有诸多优点。这也正是聚氨酪保温直埋管在我国供热工程上得以迅猛发展的内在动力。
?Compared with the traditional trench laying pipeline, it has the advantages of good thermal insulation perbance, less construction and installation area, low construction cost and short construction cycle, especially in energy saving. As far as the current situation is concerned, it is incomparable with any thermal insulation pipeline. In the pipeline with a depth of about one meter, the cooling rate is 0.1 C for every 100 meters 【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?and the heat loss rate is 2.07% for every 100 meters. In general, 10.4 tons of standard coal can be saved annually in a kilometer thermal insulation pipeline. Comparing with other thermal insulation materials, rigid polyurethane foam is a kind of good thermal insulation material. The bubble is closed-cell structure, and the thermal conductivity (0.007W/m.K) of the gas (Freon F11) in the closed-cell is very small. Therefore, the thermal insulation perbance of polyurethane direct-buried thermal insulation material is lower than a few. Other insulation materials, compared with other insulation materials, to achieve the same insulation, insulation thickness can be reduced by 30-80%. High density low pressure polyethylene (HDPE) outer protective layer polyurethane direct buried insulating pipe overview of HDPE outer protective layer polyurethane direct buried insulating pipe energy-saving direct buried insulating pipe is composed of steel pipes, anticorrosive coating, insulation layer, anticorrosive and compressive protection layer, if it is ultra-high tempera【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?ture pipeline, in the insulation layer and anticorrosive layer in the middle of a cooling layer. These pipes have the advantages of less heat loss, better compression resistance and better waterproof and corrosion resistance. Usually the service life is about 40-50 years. Polyurethane insulated buried pipe has become a mature advanced technology in some developed countries abroad. In the last decade or so, through digestion and absorption of this advanced technology, heat supply engineers and tech【胜仓管业 高经理13730570531  QQ:2927372564】?nicians in China are pushing the domestic pipe network laying technology to a higher level. The practice results over the past decade have fully proved that the polyurethane thermal insulation buried pipe laying b has many advantages compared with the traditional trench and overhead laying. This is also the internal driving force for the rapid development of the thermal insulation directly buried pipe of polybutyric cheese.


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