honeywell EXCL8010A控制器

数量(套) 面议
  • 供货总量: 电议
  • 最小起订: 1套
  • 发货地址:
  • 付款方式: 面议
  • 发布日期:2013-03-17
  • 访问量:1039




实名认证 企业认证
  • 联系人:营销部
  • 手机:18019075890
  • 电话:400-961-7696
  • 营业执照:已审核 营业执照
  • 经营模式: 代理商-私营合伙企业
  • 所在地区:上海 浦东新区
  • 家家通积分:495分


品牌 honeywell 规格型号 XCL8010A
编号 计量单位 1套
付款方式 面议 参考价格 面议
价格单位 人民币 供货量 不限
说明书,报价手册及驱动 暂无相关下载 其他资料下载 暂无相关下载
产地 美国 发货地


honeywell 800系统XCL8010A控制器
24 Vac, ± 20%2130 Vdc
Excel 800 系统(XCL8010 控制器模块、连接的Excel 800 I/O模块, 以及现场设备)可以由一个或多个外部变压器供电。
• 128 kB EPROM
• 512 kB RAM
• 2 MB Flash EPROM ( 固件和应用程序)
如果Excel 800 控制器模块运行不正常,看门狗输出将被激活。
16-bit 处理器 (TMP 91 CY22). 22 MHz

  XL800 控制器 XCL8010A
XCL8010A Excel 800 plant controller
  Panle I/O
XF821A 8 analog b module (Panel)
XF822A 8 analog output module (Panel)
XFR822A 8 analog output module with override (Panel)
XF823A 12 binary b module (Panel)
XF824A 6 relay output module (Panel)
XFR824A 6 relay output module with override (Panel)
XFR825A Actuator output module with override (Panel)
  Lon I/O
XFL821A 8 analog b module (LON)
XFL822A 8 analog output module (LON)
XFLR822A 8 analog output module with override (LON)
XFL823A 12 binary b module (LON)
XFL824A 6 relay output module (LON)
XFLR824A 6 relay output module with override (LON)
  Terminal socket Model
XS821-22 Terminal socket for analog b and output modules.The package includes 1 terminal socket, 1 connector bride and 1 swivel label.
XS823 Terminal socket binary b modules.The package includes 1 terminal socket, 1 connector bride and 1 swivel label.
XS824-25 Terminal socket relay output and floating output modules.The package includes 1 terminal socket, 1 connector bride, 1 cross connector and 1 swivel label.
  Accessary (Optional)
XS812 Manual disconnector module for analog b, analog output and binary b. The manual disconnector is plugged between the terminal socket and the electronic module. It allows manual disconnection of individual signals. This is useful during start-up.
XS812RO Manual disconnector module for relay output.The manual disconnector is plugged between the terminal socket and the electronic module. It allows manual disconnection of individual signals. This is useful during start-up.
XS814 10 auxiliary terminal blocks. The auxiliary terminal block is used for distribution of signals. It includes 2 blocks with 7 terminals which are connected to each other.
XS815 20 cross connectors (red in below figure) for connection of 6 relay commons.One cross connector is included in the terminal socket package.
XS817 40 cross connectors (red in below figure) for connection of 3 relay commons (used if voltage on relay 1…3 is different to voltage on relay 4…5)
XS816 10 bus bridges. One bus bridge is included in the terminal socket package.
XAL10 10 swivel labels. The swivel label is used to attach the application specific label printed with CARE.One swivel label is included in the terminal socket package.
XW882 XI582 cable for Excel 800 (a combination of XW586 and XW582 can be also used).
XW885 Download cable for Excel 800 (a combination of XW586 and XW585 can be also used).
XW884 Adapter cable to use XW882 and XW885 with an XL500 controller


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