HORIBA OBS-ONE-GS-12车载排放分析仪尾气分析仪
Technical Proposal
Exhaust gas measurement OBS-ONE-GS12
Basic Quantity |
Option Quantity |
Name |
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HORIBA OBS-ONE-GS-12(Gas – PEMS for HDV) 车载排放分析仪 OBS-ONE-GS-12(重型车) THC, CO, CO2, NO,NO2,NOx
- 6 m heated probe (191 °C) 6m 加热采样管(191°C) - Control- PC & Software, 主控系统-PC 和软件 - Software for data post-processing functions 后处理软件 - Sensors (ambient temperature, humidity, pressure) 传感器(环境温度、湿度和压力) - Pitot flow module for 1 pitot 皮托管流量单元 1 套 - GPS - Emergency bottom 急停按钮 |
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Tailpipe attachment (TPA) with Pitot 排气尾管适配管(TPA) - B-Type: (0 — 10 m3/min) 1set - D-Type: (0 — 15 m3/min) 1set |
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OBS-ONE-PN 车载颗粒计数单元 |
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Services 服 务 Installation, commissioning and FAC 安装、调试和终验收 |
Others 其 他
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Power Supply Unit (PS) 供电单元 PS 240 V / 24 V at test cell incl. 3 m cable OBS – PS 实验室 240V 转 12V/24V 带 3m 电源线 |
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Power Change Unit (PE) 电源转换单元 PE Exchanging of supply source Incl. 3m cable OBS – PS 电源转换 带 3m 电源线 |
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Vehicle communication unit (OBD I/F) OBD 通讯接口 w/ connection cables 带连接线 |
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External b unit(EI) 外部输入单元 |
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Recorder box (RB-01) 记录盒 |
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Calibration unit SGD-710C 标定单元 |
Unique salling points 特点
Ø Since more than 60 years HORIBA provides his own analyzers and boards and guarantees the availability of spare parts at least 10 years after discontinuation.
拥有超过 60 年历史的 HORIBA,所有分析单元均为 HORIBA 生产制造,可以保证分析
仪及其零部件的供应,完全有能力保证在设备停产后至少 10 年的备件供应
Ø Using many common parts of MEXA-ONE, MEXA-7000 and OBS-2000. No need to re-acquire parts for OBS-ONE. This means lower operating costs.
与 MEXA-ONE, MEXA-7000 和 OBS-2000 很多零件可以共用,从而降低使用成本。
Ø Pitot pressure b of measuring the volume flow. By means of very rapid pressure sensors of flow, especially at idle, is exactly measured and calculated (HORIBA patent).
采用 HORIBA 专利技术的新型皮托管压力法测量汽车排气流量,怠速时排气流量的测
Ø No cooler, therefore shorter response times.
Ø Semi-vacuum-type analyzers. Reduction of the heated zones by means of a cold and lighter pump and. Power consumption 200W (LDV) and thus longer run time with one battery charge.
半真空式分析仪。通过降低了加热区域, 使得动力消耗更节省, 功率小于 200W
Ø Hot and wet measurement of components (HORIBA patent). Direct water correction by simultaneous measurement of water.
所有分析单元采用加热湿式分析单元(HORIBA 专利)。并且测量出排气中的水的浓度,
用于修正 CO/CO2/THC/NOx 的测量结果,使测量结果更准确,精度更高。
Ø A CLD is very good in the low concentration range (ppb) and conb to regulation. Direct compensation of the CO2 and H2O concentrations. Without cooler no loss of N2O. Required ozone is generated from the ambient air.
HORIBA CLD 在低浓度(ppb)时也有非常好的测试精度,并且采用 CO2 和 H2O 浓度
进行修正。由于没有冷凝器,因此对于 N2O 也没有损失。测量过程中所需要的 O3 由
设备采用空气生成,因此无需额外配备 O2 气体
Ø All data for the post-processing is stored in OBS ONE. Even if the contact with the control-PC gets lost, the data is still present.
所有后处理的数据可以储存在 OBS-ONE 主机中,即便控制电脑丢失或损坏,数据依然