重庆新航液压设备制造厂是国内液压油缸专业设计、维修,生产厂家。本厂拥有一批责任心强、具有专业技术及技能的员工。凡是我厂的产品质量实行三包,主要零件服务终生。我们以最优的价格,最好的质量,最快的交货速度,欢迎新老客户的光临! 因为专业!所以更专业!
Chongqing cylinder hydraulic cylinder hydraulic cylinder that is linear motion outputforce and the effective area of the piston and on both sides of the differential pressure is proportional to the actuating element. Its function is to connect the hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. The bbbbb of the hydraulic cylinder is a fluid flow and pressure, the output is the straight line motion and force. Hydraulic cylinder piston to do straight reciprocating motion, linear displacement output is limited. The hydraulic cylinder is the hydraulic energy is converted into the reciprocating linear motion mechanical energy conversion device. Hydraulic cylinderbasically consists of cylinder and cylinder head, piston and piston rod, sealing and buffering device and the exhaust device, device. The buffer device and the exhaust device depending on the specific application of the occasion, the other device isessential.
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