泰扬Permatex绝缘调节油脂81150 67VR 22058 09180 Permatex Dielectric Tune-up Grease81150
英文介绍: |
Protects electrical connections and wiring from salt, dirt and corrosion. Extends the life of bulb sockets. Prevents voltage leakage around any electrical connection. Also prevents spark plugs from fusing to boots. Required for modern high energy ignition systems. Extends the life of bulb socketsPrevents voltage leakage around any electrical connectionPrevents spark plugs from fusing to bootsRequired for modern high energy ignition systemsSuggested Applications: Marine and automotive electrical connections, spark plug boots, trailer hitches, battery terminals |
主要技术参数: |
产品编号 容器大小 包装数量 产品代号 67VR 0.33盎司软管,附在纸卡上 12 81150 22058 3盎司软管,附在纸卡上 6 22058 09180 5克袋装,用盒子装 36 09180* |
自1909年以来,ITW Permatex公司为工业提供了一系列应用于各项领域的值得信赖的产品。这些产品价格经济,使用方便,为生产过程中遇到的困难提供了及时的解决办法。其产品在美国汽车零部件装配生产和维修售后市场占有率居于主导地位。